
Offering attractive and quality education is a main priority for Odisee. The research group within the Education cluster departs from the following vision:

Research in education

  • starts from high-quality practice-oriented and scientific research projects
  • offers teachers the opportunity to professionalise
  • actively guides students in educational research
  • is inspired by, completes in close interaction with and provides feedback to the broad educational field
interessegebied education

We focus with our research group on these focal points

At the moment, research within the cluster is mainly carried out within the focal points

  • Critical Thinking
  • Language
  • Lifelong Learning

The ExploRatio research centre focuses on stimulating critical and creative thinking about science and society in pupils and students. The Research Centre De Taalbouwers (the language constructors) researches education in language and language in education. Lifelong Learning focuses on the professionalisation of teachers. All projects pay attention to Diversity and Inclusion.


Research centres