Study certificates
Self-service certificates
As a student, you can request the following certificates via the self-service application. The requested certificate will immediately be sent to your Odisee email address so that you can easily save or print the attestation.
- Registration certificate
- Certificate for the NMBS
- Account balance
- Study certificate (standard form)
- Transcript
- Provisional certificate (see below on this page)
Go to the self-service application

Graduated, now what? Are you going to work or continue your studies? Would you like to know when and how you will receive your diploma? What a provisional certificate is and what you can do with it? What to do if you have lost your diploma?
You will find the answers to your questions below.
Recognition and visa for healthcare professions
To be able to practise certain health professions in Belgium, you need a visa and recognition.
On the website of the Agentschap Zorg & Gezondheid (Agency for Care and Health) you will find an overview of the professions (in Dutch) for which this applies and which procedure you have to follow to receive the recognition and/or visa.
Getting a job as a healthcare professional?
There is no recognition for healthcare professionals, but there is a registration with the Agentschap Zorg & Gezondheid (Agency for Care and Health). More information about the registration can be found here (in Dutch).
In some cases you have to submit a certificate of success for registration. You can request this from the Student Administrative Services Centre (, quoting your student number.
If you meet the requirements, you will receive the certificate within two weeks of your request.