Our values, our mission, our vision

On this page, you will learn more about who Odisee is today, which values we find important in our operations and especially where we want to go in the future. Because we like to look ahead, even as far as 2027. We call ourselves ‘co-university’ - but why did we choose that name? And what kind of education do we stand for? What kind of community are we? You can read all about it below.

Werken bij Odisee
Our mission, a timeless mission

What do we do, for whom and with whom?

We are Odisee, an open community of students, educational and professional practitioners who learn, teach and do research together.

What drives us, what are our core values?

  • Be open-minded
  • Connect
  • Emancipate
  • Push boundaries
  • Be ambitious
  • Be optimistic
  • Be curious
  • Be respectful
  • Be committed

We are Odisee...

We train and mould highly educated professionals.

We are proud of our graduates.

We hold a strong belief.

We, Odisee...

Believe in the power of people.

Our focus is on people, their talents and growth.

With our students at the very heart of all we do.

And with optimism driving us throughout.

We have confidence in each other, we share experiences, knowledge and skills in open networks.

Thinking, daring, doing, persevering and dreaming are our leitmotivs.

We embrace differences.

We aim for high quality, and get the best out of ourselves and shape the future by working closely together and through active participation.

Our university is a springboard to new worlds with which we are not afraid to enter into debates or even face confrontation. We offer challenging environments that allow room for experimentation and innovation.

Based in Flanders and Brussels, we choose Europe and the world.

Founded on a Christian tradition, we are open to everyone and encourage creditable social commitment.

Our vision in pictures

The foundations of our vision

Sustainable, Inclusive, Agile, Cocreation


Because climate change, shrinking biodiversity and increasing social inequality are major challenges. Because our education’s commitment to this global reality really matters. By sustainability we mean:

  1. Learning gains, lifelong
  2. Practice-based research as a driver for innovation
  3. Sustainable campuses
  4. Efficient operations that create space for development
  5. The right balance between living and working


Because tomorrow's students come from a wide range of backgrounds and have a wide range of expectations. Because open, accessible learning communities are a powerful lever for effective learning. When we say inclusive, we’re thinking of:

1. Accessibility: open to a wide range of learners and graduates

2. Skills in differentiation: both challenging and supporting

3. Collaborative learning

4. Social connection

5. Living campus as an open house


Because we live in a rapidly changing society where, now more than ever, the labour market is in flux. Because the shelf-life of qualifications is diminishing, workers are taking control of their own careers, armed with 21st-century skills and evolving towards a professional identity. To us agile means:

1. Taking control of your own education and career

2. As well as being both inclusive and sustainable, it’s a competency for the 21st century

3. Having a sense of new evolutions, putting your feelers out towards the world

4. Working flexibly towards your goals from open parameters


Because excellent relationships with students and professionals make us constantly sensitive to the growing diversity of their needs and requirements. Because we can only successfully address the complex challenges of the future together with our stakeholders. What we want to achieve is:

1. Become skilled in collaboration and co-creation with each other, with students and external parties

2. Collaboration and co-creation between departments, departments and education and educational teams.

Bachelor vastgoed header
Concretisering van onze strategie

Wat willen we concreet bereiken en wat gaan we daarvoor doen?