How do we see our students’ educational progress?

Our programmes work on the basis of four principles for the our students’ educational process so they can try and achieve our dream of an inclusive, agile, sustainable and co-creative educational institution.

Het IKCO-kader

Instellingsbreed Kader voor Curriculumopbouw

IKCO bestaat uit vier thema's met daaronder ontwerpprincipes die we tegen 2027 in elk curriculum zien terugkomen. Opleidingen werken hiernaartoe aan de hand van vastgelegde ijkpunten. 

In de carroussel hieronder kan je per ontwerpprincipe een korte introductie vinden. 

IKCO in één slide

Lean and agile higher education

Providing lean education and service means designing education as efficiently as possible with the aim of creating an effective learning environment in which the student learns, the lecturer supports that process and the service facilitates it all.

In this philosophy, our students’ learning is central. We focus on the essence, let go of what no longer matters and reinforce what is valuable.

In practice, that means we have returned to the professional core of our education to prepare our students for the future by integrating our Odisee-wide learning outcomes.

Now it’s the learner’s turn: ownership of own competency development

As Odisee, we train and mould highly educated professionals: everything we do is centred on our students. We give them the necessary support so they can take control of their own learning process, allowing them to fully discover and develop their talents.

Evaluating to learn

We place maximum emphasis on formative assessments that give students an insight into their own strengths and weaknesses, but also into the next steps in their learning process. Feedback, but also feedup and feedforward are key.

We are moving towards integrated assessment of knowledge, skills and attitudes.

Active learning in authentic and co-creative contexts

As a co-university of applied sciences, we naturally focus on co-creation. Our students work together with lecturers, researchers, companies and organisations to solve complex social problems.

We immerse them gradually in the realities of their chosen profession be creating opportunities to actively learn on the job or in realistic simulation contexts.

Ondersteunende processen

IKCO als goede praktijk

In het academiejaar 2023-2024 werd onze aanpak om het instellingsbreed kader voor curriculumopbouw (IKCO) in onze hogeschool te implementeren opgenomen in de Systeembrede Analyse (SBA) rond futureproof curricula van de Nederlands-Vlaamse Accreditatieorganisatie (NVAO). Tijdens zo'n analyse worden goede praktijken in het Vlaams Hoger Onderwijslandschap gedeeld. We zijn trots dat onze aanpak met intensieve procesbegeleiding om zo innovatie te bewerkstelligen werd opgepikt. 

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