Exam action campus Brussels

As the days get longer, the end of the semester approaches. To help you get through this stressful period, STUVO helps where possible! We do this with our exam actions, and good news: this year we are organizing two exam actions!

What does the exam action entail?

     - Free study materials - to give you some structure.

     - Free ice cream - to kick some ice/ass and keep your head cool!

     - Dogs of Aap vzw- to cuddle the stress away (10 May).

     - Chair massages - to relax and block out the rest of the day (13 May).

When? Monday, May 10 from 12h30 - 13h30

               Friday, May 13 from 12.30 - 13.30 hrs.

Where? Terrace hermes 1

from Tuesday 10 May '22, 12:00
until Tuesday 10 May '22, 13:30
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel