Kickstart re-exams: Planning and studying over the summer

Kickstart re-exams: Planning and studying over the summer

Need tips and tricks to tackle re-exams? We've got your back! On July 9, there is an online session "Kickstart re-exams”.

Do you sometimes wonder ...

· ... where things went wrong during the exams?

· ... how to plan better?

· ... how to study and memorize properly?

· ... how to keep motivating yourself?

· ... how to keep your focus?

· ... what to do right before your exam?

· ... how to best approach different forms of exams?

The session will take place on July 9 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. via Teams. No registration is needed, the Teamslink can be found HERE.

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from Tuesday 09 Jul '24, 10:00
until Tuesday 09 Jul '24, 12:00