STUVO Blood collection

What you give really makes a difference!

Fellow students or employees care about each other. Experiencing successes together and sharing setbacks creates a bond. That is why we give to each other. At Odisee Ghent we give the best of ourselves through the Blood Serious blood collection campaign (in cooperation with the Red Cross). 

Give blood, give life!

Everyone among our students or staff knows someone who needs blood or plasma: after giving birth, after an accident, during an operation or after the diagnosis of an illness. So with your blood or plasma, you and your fellow students and colleagues give what is really needed when it really makes a difference. Will you join us?

Make your appointment soon, or just drop by on campus!

Soon you will see a link here to register for the blood collection. You choose a time that suits you best, and then we will be happy to welcome you!

People from outside the campus can also come and give blood on our campus. Friends or family nearby? Feel free to bring them or plan your appointment together!

Bloedinzameling ENG
from Tuesday 28 Nov '23, 12:00
until Tuesday 28 Nov '23, 16:00
Gebroeders de Smetstraat 1
9000 Gent