Workshop start to sleep (English)

Do you sometimes lie awake in bed for hours? Do you not manage to sleep through properly? Do you not feel like you have slept in? Then this workshop might be for you!

In this workshop we will take a close look at your sleep hygiene and help you on your way to better sleep quality. Psychologist and sleep expert Annelies Smolders gives you knowledge and insight about sleep and lots of tips to tackle insomnia. She wrote the book start to sleep and is developer of the online sleep training with the same name. 

There are 15 students who can participate. The session will take place live on campus Brussels, the exact location will be announced.

Registration is required and can be done via this link. The session is free and online (via MS Teams). The day of the session you will receive an e-mail with participation link.


Man die in zijn pyjama in zijn bed ligt en piekert.
from Thursday 02 Dec '21, 18:00
until Thursday 02 Dec '21, 19:30
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel