CenSE | Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship

The Center for Sustainable Entrepreneurship (CenSE) is an independent research group associated with the Business Administration study area within Odisee University College. We research sustainable entrepreneurship within mainly family businesses and SMEs, detecting new trends and challenges in the economy or society.

Aandachtige student

CenSE works around five areas of expertise:

Sustainable business operations

CenSE supports organizations to systematically translate contemporary trends and challenges into sustainable business operations. This sustainable business operation also means that it fits into the United Nations Sustainability Agenda and fulfills the SDGs formulated therein.


CenSE looks at new trends in the environment with a broad economic perspective. CenSE is jumping on the digitalization bandwagon. We offer our expertise in digital marketing, supporting SMEs in data-smart entrepreneurship.

Circular economy

CenSE takes a pioneering role in research aimed at the circular transition, with the realization of sustainable partnerships being an important focus. Furthermore, we can also fall back on expertise in the sharing economy.

Socio-economic sustainability

CenSE also values the humane and social aspect of sustainable business. We examine how the underutilized social capital in society can be activated through economic participation. We keep the focus here on SMEs and family businesses, and together with them we address topics such as sustainable HRM, the future of jobs, workable work, inclusive entrepreneurship... In short, we support organizations in incorporating social commitment.

Competencies of the future

CenSE places an important focus on the personal development of the individual. In the ever faster evolving society, the need for future-oriented competencies is essential. Therefore, we actively pursue research projects on competencies of the future (sustainability competencies, digital and entrepreneurial competencies) and on innovation in the learning process.

CenSE grew out of the renowned Entrepreneurship Study Center - formerly the HUB's SME Study Center. Building further on years of expertise in entrepreneurship, CenSE now focuses entirely on sustainable entrepreneurship, with research topics ranging from internal sustainable business operations, responding to sustainable trends in the economy or society to developing sustainable entrepreneurship in students.

Focus on family businesses and SMEs

Family businesses were the focus of the former Study Center for Entrepreneurship. CenSE took over this focus and complemented it with SMEs. Both are characterized by unique features. After all, a family business is not a non-family business, just as an SME is not a large small business. This expertise helps ensure that CenSE invariably knows how to correctly tailor its research and developed output to the relevant target group.

Multidisciplinary and co-creative approach

CenSE strives to actively involve stakeholders in its research through co-creation. In this way, CenSE meets both the Odisee value 'connecting' and the 17th SDG 'Partnerships' within the United Nations Sustainability Agenda 2030.

Pioneer of entrepreneurial education

CenSE plays a pioneering role in education about sustainable entrepreneurship. CenSE is strong in competence research and develops tools that can be used within education and professionalization. Both entrepreneurial competencies and sustainability competencies form an important theoretical framework.

CenSE carries out both study assignments for local stakeholders (e.g. companies, local authorities, business support agencies and stakeholders advocating sustainable entrepreneurship), and international grant providers (e.g. ESF, Interreg, ERDF, Erasmus+, and other European programs), as well as assignments within the framework of internal research funds.

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