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The Sandwich Coach

The sandwich generation: these are women or men who care for a younger as well as an older generation at the same time in their lives, and are also active in the labor market.

There are more and more of them, these "sandwichers. After all, we are working longer and longer, and family members are increasingly called upon to care for the older generation.

The project 'The Sandwich Coach' brings together various tools to support the sandwich generation - directly and indirectly. Are you a sandwicher yourself? Are you a manager of people from the sandwich generation? Are you a career counselor? On this page you can download all the free tools.

Online session procrastination

Submitted by Annick Haentjens on


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In this project, we investigate the commercial possibilities for the cultivation of red-shelled lobsters in Flanders and fine-tune the cultivation method for this species by optimizing the feeding method, the use of shelters and the design of the cultivation installation, as well as developing a harvesting and sorting method. Based on the research results, we want to find out whether the cultivation of red-shelled lobsters is economically feasible. To determine this, we will evaluate both market-related and cultivation aspects.

The red snapper crayfish is a tropical freshwater crayfish native to Australia. This species possesses a number of characteristics that make it interesting for commercial aquaculture in Flanders. The cultivation of red-scissor lobsters can be a sustainable diversification opportunity for fish farmers and greenhouse growers, among others.


In this research project, we want to investigate a number of market-related and cultivation issues. The goal is to collect missing information needed to conduct an accurate profitability study and allow the scale-up of pilot-scale cultivation facilities to a commercial scale. On the one hand, we will conduct a market study to determine the market potential and possible market price of this lobster. In addition, we will optimize the rearing method, focusing on the feeding regime, the use of shelters in the rearing tanks and determining the required mechanical and biological filtration capacity in a rearing facility. Finally, we will investigate the most efficient way to harvest and sort red snapper lobsters. In the process, we will develop our own prototype of an automatic harvesting and sorting machine, and compare it with existing harvesting and sorting techniques. The results from the different work packages will eventually be used to evaluate the economic feasibility of growing red-shear lobsters.

Cultivation of red-scissor lobsters in recirculation systems

Our partners

  • Aqua4C NV (Kruisem)
  • BVBA Bewust (Ghent)
  • Provincial Technical Institute Kortrijk

Meet the researchers

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In this research we are investigating what is needed to set up sustainable partnerships between the actors of a Quintuple Helix model for circular ecosystems, within the Flemish and Brussels context. Quintuple helix systems recognize the importance of the relations and knowledge production between the institutional spheres industry-government-university-society-natural environment and are particularly interesting because they can contribute to systemic innovations, which prove necessary to realize a circular transition. It focuses on five aspects:

It zooms in on five areas of concern:

  1. Finding partners from the different spheres,
  2. Transparency in (financial) value needs,
  3. Clarifying the facilitator role for public agencies,
  4. Involving consumers, and
  5. Eliminating psychological barriers such as distrust or insufficient commitment.

Based on three case studies, through a combination of positive appreciative inquiry and action research, we gather knowledge about the conditions for realizing these multi-actor partnerships. Based on this, we develop several policy guidelines to accelerate the circular transition.


  • Expected outputs.
    Presentation of new insights around circular transition and multi-actor collaborations during a master class. 
  • A blueprint of the process to establish sustainable partnerships within circular ecosystems according to the quintuple helix model
  • A study of sustainable multi-actor partnerships within the circular transition
  • A research report with key findings
  • A train-the-trainer session for Odisee researchers and teachers


Explore the book chapter

Discover the research report

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Business Management – Odibuddy Louise

Hey, I am Louise

Age: 19 years

Education: Fourth year student Bachelor Business Management - Major in Marketing

My interests are: 

I have always been eager to broaden my interests because I believe there is something to learn about everything. Knowledge is indeed endless. I am very interested in art, the fashion and cosmetics industry, music, nature, and many more.  

Do you need a talk, do you have practical questions...? Just let me know!

Business Management – Odibuddy Louise

Hey, I am Louise

Age: 19 years

Education: Fourth year student Bachelor Business Management - Major in Marketing

My interests are: 

I have always been eager to broaden my interests because I believe there is something to learn about everything. Knowledge is indeed endless. I am very interested in art, the fashion and cosmetics industry, music, nature, and many more.  

Do you need a talk, do you have practical questions...? Just let me know!