Our Odibuddy's are ready for you!

Starting college can be pretty exciting! Arranging housing, getting your degree program in order, finding your way around a city or campus, learning to use Toledo.... . It can all be a bit much at times!

Odibuddy's are students who try to guide and support (new) students as good as possible during their college career at Odisee! They are happy to help you and are eager to get to know you and show you the way! So, know that there is always someone there for you throughout the academic year. We are one big co-high school, because we do everything together! ✌️

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Like to have an Odibuddy?

Why should I get an Odibuddy?

  • Study and programme related questions 

    Not sure how to tackle your studies? An Odibuddy is available for specific programme and study questions: how do I best tackle a task, how do I best study for a subject, how do I compose a good e-mail... It is not the intention that the buddies only send summaries. What we do want, is to give you tips and tricks on how to tackle a certain subject or your studies in general. 

  • Someone to talk to 

    An Odibuddy is a fellow student who is ready for a good chat, someone with whom you can share your experiences and concerns. There is an openness to speak and listen to each other, even when things are difficult. 

  • Do fun stuff together inside and outside university college 

    An Odibuddy helps you find your way inside and outside the college university. Having a coffee between classes, cooking together, playing sports together, going to a party together... You and your buddy are free to choose how you meet, where and how often! 

  • Referrals 

    An Odibuddy is not a replacement for a student advisor, student psychologist... Sometimes it really gets too much for you and you need some extra help. An Odibuddy can then, always in consultation with you, refer you to the right services. 

How it works.

  • Odibuddy is there for all students. You can ask for a buddy during the whole academic year.

  • We ask a few questions in order to provide the best possible match. Filling in your interests can help, but is certainly not required.

  • The contact form is sent to the Odibuddy project group.

  • Based on the information obtained, we will match you to an Odibuddy.

  • Your Odibuddy will contact you and you are then free to find out how you meet, where and how often!

  • Do you have any questions? If so, you can certainly reach out to one of the Odibuddy staff members. Feel free to send us an email!

Become an Odibuddy yourself?

Do you like to help (international) fellow students? Do you like to offer a listening ear? Do you like to answer practical questions and make the (new) students' college career as pleasant as possible? Then become an Odibuddy!

Studente kijkt op GSM
The intention is mainly that students can approach a fellow student for numerous questions in an accessible way. This can be about practical questions, but also to study together online, or just for a chat. The need for social contact is high and the Odibuddy's can play a great role in that.
Robbe Van Leemput
Former Project Manager for Odibuddy
Selfie Robbe Van Leemput in tuin buiten
Collage Odibuddy