Payment in instalments

Always send an e-mail to the staff of the Social Services’ Office if you want to request a payment in installments of the tuition fee.

Please remember that the proposed payment plan will not apply until the Social Services’ Office sends you a confirmation by e-mail.

You should ask to pay in instalments as soon as you receive your tuition fee invoice.

If you do not stick to the proposed payment plan, you will have to pay the entire outstanding amount immediately even if you are not sent a reminder first.

What do you put in your e-mail when you ask for a staggered payment (academic year 23-24)?

You can add a payment proposal in your e-mail requesting a payment in instalments, but in any case, you must take into account the deadlines as mentioned below:

You will receive your invoice for your tuition fee in 2 parts. First, you will receive an invoice for € 282,10 for the fixed part of the tuition fee. As soon as your ISP (Individual Study Programme) is approved (October-November), you will receive a second invoice. The amount on that invoice depends on the number of credits for which you are enrolled in that academic year. For a 60-credit enrolment, the amount is € 810.

You can pay the amount on both the first and the second invoice in instalments as follows:

  • the first invoice for € 282,10:  you must first pay € 150 before you are allowed to continue paying in instalments, then you can pay the remaining amount (in October);
  • the second invoice: you can submit a proposal to pay in instalments.

Note! The total amount of the tuition fee must be paid before 31 March 2024!

If you still want to ask whether you can pay in instalments after 1 December 2023, you must pay one third of the tuition fee immediately and then you have until 31 March 2024 to pay the remainder in instalments.

If you want to apply to pay in instalments after 1 February 2023, you must pay two thirds of the total tuition fee immediately and then you have until 31 March 2024 to pay the remainder in instalments.

You will find the contact details of the Social Services’ Office on your campus below.