Summer school Transnational Family Dynamics

Families that are geographically dispersed due to economic or forced migration; families in which a member works abroad almost continuously; families in which a (mostly) young person lives abroad for a longer period for study or internship, etc. Obviously, the realities of transnational families are very different. By attending this summer school, participants will get a better understanding of the growing, rapidly changing phenomenon and dynamics of transnational families.

The Summer School is taught in English, but open to everyone!

Deze opleiding voor volwassenen maakt deel uit van Odisee Continue, hét aanbod voor iedereen die wil bijblijven, zich persoonlijk ontwikkelen of omscholen.

Summer school black family
Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe

Join us!

Join us for an International Summer School in the heart of Europe. Internationally acknowledged lecturers, experienced guest speakers, interactive workshops engaging practitioners from the field and off-campus excursions will make this Summer School informative AND fun.

The Summer School is in English but is open to everyone!

Target group


Undergraduate students (2nd, 3rd and 4th year) of social education who want to develop a broader view on social work and counselling work with transnational families, both on a theoretical and methodological level. All students participating, will get 3 ECTS-points. In order to receive them, all parts of the programme are mandatory.

(Early career) researchers and practitioners

(Young) professionals, early career investigators and practitioners from social work and welfare organizations. 

Researchers in the field of transnational families and the changing dynamics.


The theoretical foundations will be presented by an internationally composed team of specialized psychologists and social scientists through a series of lectures and workshops.

Field visits of organizations working with transnational families, refugee families and children will confront the participants with relevant methodologies and how to apply them in this context.

Exchanges between researchers and stakeholders from different countries, disciplines, and research communities on transnational families.

More details on the concrete programme will be posted later.

Dates: Monday 24 June until Wednesday 3 July 2024.

Summer School dame met hoofddoek



COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

This summer school is based upon work from COST Action CA TraFaDy // CA21143 – Transnational Family Dynamics in Europe, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology).

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Deze opleiding maakt deel uit van Continue

Continue is hét aanbod voor iedereen die wil bijblijven, zich persoonlijk ontwikkelen of omscholen. Je kunt kiezen uit langere opleidingen zoals bachelors, graduaten, banaba’s of postgraduaten, volledig op maat van 25-plussers. Of korte opleidingen zoals navormingen, microcredentials en studiedagen. is hét platform voor levenslang leren van de Associatie KU Leuven, goed voor meer dan 1000 professionele en academische opleidingen.
