
You were already a student at Odisee last academic year and you didn't deregister during that year? You want to register for the next academic year, in the same or another programme? Re-registration is the way to go.

When can you re-register?

Did you pass everything? Then you will receive a re-registration email a few days after the publication of your results in JuneOtherwise, you will receive the re-registration email in September, a few days after the publication of the results of the second exam period.

Re-registration is possible until 10 October. Afterwards you need a permission

How to re-register?

You can open the re-registration application via the student platform > My re-registration. Go through all the steps within this re-registration application.

Go to 'My re-registration'

If you want to re-enrol after 10 October, you must mail your admission document to the Student Administrative Services Centre, which will process your re-enrolment.

What after re-registration?

After you re-register, you will receive a registration certificate in your Odisee mailbox (to buy a public transport card...) and an invoice mentioning the fixed amount of your tuition feeIf you are a non-scholarship student you will receive the second invoice, mentioning the variable amount of the tuition fee, as soon as your individual study programme (ISP) has been approved and your total number of credits has been determined. 

A smooth start

More information about the welcome days, the start of the academic year, purchasing your study materials and textbooks, registering your individual study programme, timetables and class groups, etc. can be found at Studeren@Odisee > Ready for the start > A smooth start.

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