Public procurement on transaction costs for agri-environment-climate measures

European member states are allowed to include a compensation for transaction costs in their payments for agri-environment-climate measures. In this study focus groups and interviews were done with experts (from home and abroad), farmers and consultancy firms to assess whether the current compensation given in Flanders is still accurate.

Veld met gewassen
Flemish Government, Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

Council Regulation (EC) 1698/2005 enabled European member states to include a compensation for transaction costs in their payments for agri-environment-climate measures. In Flanders these transaction costs are compensated since the third Programme for Rural Development (2014-2020), that set the compensation at 50 euro/ha for planar and 100 euro/ha for linear measures. In this study focus groups and interviews were done with experts (from home and abroad), farmers and consultancy firms to assess whether the current compensation is still accurate.

For more information, contact the Flemish Department of Agriculture and Fisheries

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