Student Insurance

Odisee vzw provides the following insurances for students enrolled in our University of Applied Sciences:

Educational activities (including internships and workplace learning):

  • Personal accidents: industrial accidents and personal accidents.
  • Civil liability

Travel assistance insurance for accidents abroad.


Below you can read more about insurance and what to do in the situations that arise.

What is a work-related accident?

A work-related accident is an accident that happens in the workplace during internship or workplace learning related to the program of study and accidents on the way from the place of residence to the place of internship and back. 
Intervention is done according to the law on workplace accidents. For medical costs, this concerns the co-payment after they have been submitted to the health insurance fund, limited to the RIZIV scales.

What steps should be followed in the event of a student's accident at work?

  1. The student reports it as soon as possible - within 24 hours - to the secretary of his/her cluster or program.
    The secretarial officer asks the student to submit the support document internship accident (account) and to have the medical certificate (see right) completed by the doctor consulted.
  2. The student provides the completed internship accident support document and the completed medical certificate to the secretary's office as soon as possible.
  3. The secretarial assistant immediately starts to prepare the electronic declaration to Ethias Insurance via the tool
    The electronic declaration must be submitted within eight calendar days (counting from the day of the accident).

For industrial accidents, policy number 6.584.840 underwritten by Ethias Insurance applies.

What is a personal accident?

This policy provides coverage for an accident during college activities that causes bodily injury. An accident on the way to and from this activity is also covered. High school activities include courses (anywhere), study trips and excursions in agreement with the college, activities organized by the college, sports activities in the infrastructure of or organized by the college.

What steps should be followed in case of a personal accident?

  1. The student immediately notifies the secretary of his/her cluster or program and provides the necessary information.
  2. The secretary starts immediately with the preparation of the electronic declaration to Ethias Insurance through the tool. If useful, the support document student accident (account) can be used.

For personal accidents, policy number 45.404.343 underwritten by Ethias Insurance applies.

What does civil liability mean?

The term liability means that someone can be sued and must bear the consequences of a mistake.

Civil liability involves liability between citizens and centers on compensation to the victim.

How to determine. The rule of three...

  • Error
    It is not just about a particular act but also an imprudence or failure to do something. You may have to vouch for a mistake someone else makes e.g. parents for their children, an internship provider for his trainee
  • Damages
  • Causal link
    Without the fault, the damage would not have occurred.


In the case of internship and workplace learning, Article II.355/1 of the Codex Higher Education provides that if the student commits a slight, occasional error, the workplace/internship is liable for it. After all, the student is under the supervision of the workplace/internship site, which supervises the student, gives instructions and, as supervisor, must do what is necessary to prevent any damage. 
Since the workplace/placement is liable for the student's slight, occasional error, it must also compensate the damage caused by that error. Normally, it can rely on the civil liability or professional liability policy it has taken out for itself and its staff, such as its workplace students/trainees, to do so.

What steps should be followed in the case of civil liability?

  1. the student or the workplace/internship supervisor notifies the secretarial officer of the cluster or program.
  2. the secretary requests a detailed description of the claim and sends it to
  3. Hendrik Somers makes the declaration to the insurer and follows it up.

For civil liability, policy number 45.427.534 is taken out with Ethias Insurance.

What is travel assistance insurance - trips abroad with overnight stay?

Odisee students can benefit from travel assistance insurance for their trips abroad organized at the initiative of the school, provided that this trip is registered prior to departure, through the creation of an internship/mobility agreement/workplace learning agreement signed by Odisee. International Relations Office notifies students 14 days prior to departure

Outside the options mentioned above, students can be registered for this guarantee for a study-related activity (e.g. a trip abroad as part of an internship). The professor who wants to give permission for this, provides 14 days before departure to name and surname, country and place of destination, date of departure and return to Belgium. The insured period is the duration of the activity abroad, possibly extended by the travel to and from the place of residence.

If the travel does not involve an overnight stay abroad, no registration is required.

What steps should be followed when a student is involved in a travel accident or wishes to claim this travel assistance insurance abroad?

  1. Contact the direct helpline of insurance company AIG immediately: +32 2 739 99 92.
    Policy number for outbound students is 9.500.152.
  2. Complete the declaration form and forward as directed:
  3. Notify the secretary of the cluster or program and within 5 days.


What about the student's use of their own car for internship or workplace learning?

  1. The use of one's own car during an internship-related task/workplace learning is strongly discouraged.
  2. In the first instance, ask if a car from the internship/workplace can be used.
  3. If the use of one's own car does occur, be sure to advise the student to check in writing with their own insurance company regarding third-party damage and damage to their own car. After all, this trip is considered a work-to-work trip and is often not covered by their own policy. It is important to communicate clearly and transparently in advance because what is covered by the insurance policy differs from one insurance policy to another. Odisee cannot possibly provide insurance for all students to cover the use of their own car in the context of internships/workplace learning. The cost of adjusting the student's own policy can be considered as costs incurred by a student in the context of her/his studies.

Is the student insured during activities outside contractual hours?

Yes, if:

  • the activity is part of the internship or workplace learning;
  • and this has been established in advance between the student, the workplace and the program. In case of an accident, it is indeed important that the student can prove that the accident happened during the execution of the internship or workplace learning.

It is important that a supervisor/contact person from Odisee is also available at that time, so that the student can notify him/her in case of an accident.