Activate accounts

Every Odisee student has to activate two accounts , one Odisee account and one KU Leuven Association account.

You will receive two emails in your personal mailbox after processing your online registration. If you have not received one or both mails (check your SPAM-folder first), please contact the Information Management Centre.

Which account you use for what can be found on this page.

Student gsm bureau

Step 1: Activate your Odisee account

Attention: Wait at least three hours after receiving the email to activate your Odisee account.

Click here for the step-by-step guide

Step 2: Activate your KU Leuven Association account

  • Open the mail 'Activation account Association KU Leuven'.
  • Click on the link 'Activate your account of the KU Leuven Association here'.
  • Your username is already filled in so you can just click 'next'.
  • Fill in your social security number and password
    (If you do not have a social security number, enter your date of birth.)
  • Repeat your password and click on 'Next'.
activeer KUL-account_3

Your accounts have been activated!

  • You use your Odisee account ( to:
    • log into the student portal
    • consult your Odisee mailbox
    • order textbooks
    • log on to Odisee computers (classrooms, library,...)
  • Your account of the KU Leuven Association  (student number) will be used to access all IT applications offered by the KU Leuven Association, such as:
    • My Admin (self-service requests for certificates, timetable, ISP, exam card, exam results...)
    • The electronic learning environment Toledo
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