Conference 'Therapeutic foster care for unaccompanied minors'
An increasing number of European countries prefer small-scale hosting of unaccompanied child asylum seekers in foster families. However, traumatic experiences and separation from family and confidants often require therapeutic foster care, with specific coaching, both for the young person and the foster parent(s).
The Erasmus+ project FORM developed a model of therapeutic foster care, a training course, and policy recommendations.
You could learn about the results during the closing conference of this project on Thursday 28 November 2024 in Brussels.

With this project, we wished to specifically support counsellors of foster families and motivate policymakers to take the necessary measures needed to better support these families and their counsellors.
During this conference, we presented these publications on Therapeutic care for foster families with unaccompanied minors:
- A Conceptual Framework
- Practical Guide for foster care workers - A 10-point programme
- Policy recommendations
09:00-09:15: Start of the day around a coffee or tea
SESSION 1: The need for therapeutic (foster) care for unaccompanied minors – Room Mimosa (2nd floor) |
09:15-09:30: Welcoming words and reflections to start the day
Kathleen Emmery, Head of the Centre for family Studies, University College Odisee
Katja Fournier, Researcher at the Centre for family Studies, University College Odisee
09:30-10:10: Therapeutic needs to consider in therapeutic foster care from a psychodynamic perspective
Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs, analytic child and adolescent psychotherapist, director of the Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt, head of the Department of Psychoanalysis at the Institute of Erziehungswissenschaften of Universität Kassel, lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences KU Leuven, lecturer at the Knowledge Centre for Family Studies at Odisee University College Brussels.
10:10-10:50: Community based care for unaccompanied minors: innovative practices
Prof. Dr. Lucia de Haene, Associate Professor at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences (University of Leuven), family therapist and supervisor of the Transcultural Trauma Care for Refugees team at the Faculty Clinical Centre.
Dr. Lies Missotten, clinical psychologist and family therapist at Transcultural Trauma Care for Refugees team at PraxisP, coordinator of transcultural treatment program for minor refugees PASO UPC KU Leuven, and coordinator of the postgraduate training in Transcultural Mental Health Care KU Leuven
10:50-11:00: Questions
11:00-11:30: Coffee Break
SESSION2 2: Challenges, perspectives and tool for foster care practices – Room Mimosa |
11:30-11:50: A reflective guide to exile-sensitive practice in foster care
Corinna Poholski, Analytic child and adolescent psychotherapist apprentice & Scientific Associate at the Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt and the Department of Psychoanalysis at the Institute of Erziehungswissenschaften of Universität Kassel
Prof. Dr. Patrick Meurs, analytic child and adolescent psychotherapist, director of the Sigmund Freud Institute Frankfurt, head of the Department of Psychoanalysis at the Institute of Erziehungswissenschaften of Universität Kassel, lecturer at the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogical Sciences KU Leuven, lecturer at the Knowledge Centre for Family Studies at Odisee University College Brussels.
11:50-12:10: Local Practices and Challenges of the FORM Project for Foster Care of Unaccompanied Minors in Cyprus.
Maria Iacovou, Counseling Psychologist, Foster Care Department, "Hope For Children" CRC Policy Center.
12:10-12:25: Experiencing therapeutic foster care in the Italian context: a community and family based approach
Carola Iacuitto and Caterina Manzo, Salesiani per Il Sociale
12:25-12:50: From the model to Foster Care practices: renewed perspectives
Julie van Gysel, Foster care supervisor and child researcher, Pleegzorg Oost-Vlaanderen
Emel Tuncel, Staff member & coordinator Diversity & Inclusion, Pleegzorg Oost-Vlaanderen
12:50-13:00: Questions
13:00-14:00: Lunch break - Room ‘Zonnebloem’
SESSION 3: From practice to policy : a strong network and policy for therapeutic foster care - Room Mimosa |
14:00-14:15: Personal dimensions: a testimony from a foster parent
Lieve Roef, Foster parent, Lecturer in Orthopedagogy, Focal point Diversity, University College Odisee
14:15-14:20: Questions
14:20-14:40: European dimensions: What does the Migration Pact means for the protection of unaccompanied minors?
Isabela Atanasiu, Legal Officer, DG Migration and Home Affairs, European Commission
Legal Officer
14:40-14:45: Questions
14:45-15:00: Bringing it all together for the future: policy recommendations and conclusive remarks
Katja Fournier, Researcher at the Centre for family Studies, University College Odisee
Elena Curtopassi, Social Policy Officer, European Network of Social Authorities
15:00-15:15: Coffee Break
SESSION 4: The need for human connection: a festive closure of the day |
To round off our day festively, we divide ourselves into two groups. Alternately, we enjoy
- the Dabke Workshop - with Palestinian dance - Room ‘Zonnebloem’
- a concluding drink - Cafetaria
15:15-16:00: group 1 Dabke Workshop - group 2 Drink
16:00-16:45: groupe 2 Dabke Workshop - group 1 Drink
Registration & info
Odisee - Campus Schaarbeek
Avenue Huart Hamoir 136
1030 Brussels-Schaarbeek
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