Confirmation of Candidacy Student Representative
Yay! If you are reading this page, you have officially applied to be a Student Representative and/or Campus President for the next academic year! Congratulations in advance on taking this first step.
Because we will now have a lot of information to share with you, we have created this page as an overview. It will serve as your guide throughout the election process, whether you’re running for Stuver, campus president, or even a board position! We wish you the best of luck in the meantime.
Let's go over the steps
Below are the steps within the election campaign. Step 1 has already been completed by standing as a candidate!
Additionally, you will find information about the election dates, mailings, and Board Member Profiles below. Please note that all three are available only in Dutch.
Candidacy Student Representative
Congratulations, you have just completed this step. By applying, you have taken the first stride toward becoming a Stuver for your program and/or the Campus President of your campus. You are now poised to represent the students of your program and/or campus in the upcoming academic year!
Role within the Executive Board
Now that you have applied to be a Student Representative (Stuver), you also have the opportunity to take up a position on the Student Council Executive Board. The Executive Board (DB in Dutch) is the driving force behind the entire Student Council. As a board member, you work very closely with fellow students, Odisee staff and even the Executive Committee.
Within the Board, there are various functions. To help you navigate these roles, we have created job profiles. You can find them under the tab labeled ‘Job Profiles.’ Take the time to read them and discover which position aligns best with your interests. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us!
Candidacy the Daily Board
Have you identified a position that suits you? Fantastic! You can now officially apply for that position—or even multiple positions if you’re still deciding. To do so, send an email to with the following information:
Your chosen position(s)
Your CV
A motivation letter for your chosen position(s)
The next step involves introducing yourself to the other Stuvers at the Elect-AV. During this event, you’ll need to convince them that you are the right person for the position.At the Electoral Annual General Meeting (Kies-AV), the Stuvers will vote immediately for the elected position. By the end of the meeting, we will announce the winners for each board position. For more details about the Elect-AV, refer to step 5.
Voting for Stuvers
All Odisee students will have the opportunity to vote for students who applied to become Stuvers and/or Campus Presidents in Step 1. This voting process will occur through large mailings to all Odisee students, as well as during our physical campaign.
After this voting round, we will know who is officially elected per programme and as Campus President. Of this, you as a candidate will of course be the first to be informed. You will receive an e-mail or Teams message with your result.
Even if you are not elected, you can still take part in the Student Council or become a Board Member! The only difference between elected and non-elected is whether or not you have voting rights in the meeting, should a real vote be organised.
Every year, we conclude our elections with a genuine Electoral Annual General Meeting (AGM). As a candidate, you are automatically invited to attend this event. The Elect-AV will be held on the Brussels campus and will start at 6 p.m. During this meeting, you and all the new Stuvers will cast your votes to elect the new Executive Board. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard for the first time.
Following the Elect-AV, we will organize a dinner, provide a photo opportunity, deliver speeches, and celebrate with a party. The entire event is offered to you free of charge by the Student Council—our way of expressing gratitude for your commitment!
De data voor de verkiezingen voor academiejaar 2024-2025:
- 28 maart 2024: Stel je kandidaat als studentenvertegenwoordiger of campusvoorzitter (deadline: 26 april 2024). Stel je nadien ook kandidaat voor een bestuursfunctie via de bevestigingsmail!
- 29 april 2024: Kies je studentenvertegenwoordiger en campusvoorzitter (deadline: 7 mei 2024)
- 7 mei 2024: Deadline kandidaatstelling Bestuursfunctie + einde stemming Stuvers
- 14 mei 2024: KIES-AV + diner + speech + feestje!
Hoe verloopt de procedure precies?
MAIL 1: Oproep kandidaturen studentenvertegenwoordigers
In deze eerste mail kan je je kandidaat stellen als studentenvertegenwoordiger van je opleiding en/of je campus.
TIP: Laat zeker een motivatietekstje achter bij je kandidatuur. Het informeert andere studenten over je motivatie en ze zijn ook gewoon leuk om te lezen!
MAIL 2: Bevestigingsmail
Meteen na je kandidaatstelling ontvang je een bevestigingsmail met alle informatie voor daarna. Zo kan je je vanaf dan ook kandidaatstellen voor een bestuursfunctie. Binnen dit team van studenten ga je actief mee aan de slag. Neem zeker een kijkje op onze overzichtspagina met de bestuursfuncties en via de functieprofiel (tab hierboven). De ervaring leert ons dat je misschien nog wel wat vragen hebt. Wij staan altijd klaar om deze vragen te beantwoorden. Stuur ons zeker een mailtje via!
MAIL 3: Stemming kandidaten
In deze derde mail kan je stemmen voor jouw vertegenwoordigers. Zij zullen volgend academiejaar jouw belangen als studenten binnen de opleidingen en campus verdedigen en mee vorm geven. Elke student binnen Odisee ontvangt deze e-mail.
MAIL 4: Bekendmaking van de resultaten & uitnodiging voor de Algemene kiesvergadering.
Het is beklonken. Jij wordt studentenvertegenwoordiger! We kunnen de opleidingen en het instellingsbestuur verblijden met een grote groep aan nieuwe enthousiaste STUVERS, want zo noemen wij elkaar!
Op onze Algemene kiesvergadering verkiezen we tot slot ons nieuw Dagelijks Bestuur. Zij zullen vanaf dan mee de koers varen voor een volledig academiejaar.
We sluiten deze avond steeds supergezellig af met een lekker aperitief en diner. De ideale kans om elkaar al wat beter te leren kennen!
Still doubting whether a board position is for you?
As a board member at the Student Council:
You get to know many new people all over Odisee
You will work with fellow students, Odisee staff and even the executive committee
You will learn to hold meetings, structure, follow up and be given your own responsibilities
You will be reimbursed for all expenses incurred for your function
You will have a tremendous addition to your resume in your pocket