eBooks @ Odisee
Online course texts for students
eBooks @ Odisee is the platform that provides electronic publications of all mandatory course texts for all course units in our graduate and bachelor programs and microcredentials. All course texts are both available as pdf-files using the application My Study Materials and as online shared e-books using the same applications or the eBooks @ Odisee platform.
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Since the academic year 2021-2021 all mandatory self-written course texts from teachers in both the graduate and bachelor-programs are electronically published in two formats for students.
Vanaf academiejaar 2021-2022 worden voor verplichte zelfgeschreven cursusteksten* in de bachelor- en graduaatsopleidingen elektronische publicaties voor de studenten voorzien.
- A pdf-file is available through print and an online web-version of the course text is provided as e-book.
- The e-books are accessible using a browser on mac, pc or laptop or using native apps for Windows 10, Android or iOS on iPad or tablets. The native apps only provide limited functionality when used on smartphones.
- Students kan create and share annotations and notepages within the e-book.
- Teachers are able to enhance the initial e-book with multimedia or extra interactive exercises.
- Students only get access to the electronic publications based on their Individual Study Program and only for the mandatory course texts that have been added to the Odisee Study Material Management Platform by teachers. Students can check the public lists of study material to see what material is uploaded. Starting half september students can use the application "My Study Materials" to get access.