How to register your Individual Study Programme (ISP)?

Once your accounts are activated, you can compose your individual study programme (ISP). This means that you have to tick all the courses that you want to take during the academic year. If you have exemptions, you also need to register them.

You have to register your ISP by 15 October at the latest! If you miss this date, you will soon run into problems with your child benefit, study grant, exam planning, etc. If you register after 15 October, your ISP must be submitted within a week.

Academic year 2025-2026 Opening ISP Closing ISP Approval ISP
1st semester 10.09.2025 15.10.2025 30.11.2025
2nd semester 07.02.2026 25.02.2026 15.03.2026


The videos below are spoken in Dutch but you can choose English subtitles via the YouTube settings. 

Open your ISP

Open the ISP application

If prompted, login with your username (r-, m- or s-number) and password (the one you chose when activating your Association KU Leuven account).

Once you are successfully logged in, select the programme you wish to register a year programme for.
If you were registered as a student at an educational institution that is part of the Association KU Leuven before, you will also see your ISP of the previous academic years (available for consultation only).

Step 1: Select your courses

In your ISP application, you compile your study programme for the entire academic year (first and second semester). You are not completely free in this. Below, we explain the rules for selecting your courses.

Are you starting a Bachelor's or Graduate programme for the first time? 

You are obliged to take (only) the full programme of the first phase. These courses will therefore already be automatically ticked in your ISP.  You can choose any optional courses yourself. Only in exceptional cases can you make changes to the proposed course package. You will then have to submit a request to deviate from the rule. This is only possible if you

  • you already have a bachelor's or master's degree
  • you have obtained a special status within Odisee (e.g. O status, work status) or are enrolled as a work student in a work programme
  • received permission from your learning path coach not to take all courses of the first phase.  

Before your ISP will be approved, it will be checked whether you are indeed allowed to deviate from the rule.

Are you not new to the programme and did not pass all courses last year?

You are obliged to retake the failed courses this year. These courses will therefore already be automatically ticked in your ISP. Only if it concerns an elective course unit can you make a change here. If a course is no longer offered this year, please check the WOP sheets or your programme.

To further complete your ISP or when you no longer have unsuccessful courses, tick the courses you want to take. Keep in mind the ISP rules here.

From the 2nd or 3rd phase onwards, there is room within your programme to take an elective from another programme: Discover the Odisee-wide offer of electives (in Dutch)

Make sure all courses you want to include in the current academic year are ticked. Don't forget to save your changes before proceeding to the next tab 'Complete your timetable'.  

As soon as your courses are checked in your ISP and you have provisionally saved your ISP, you will see these courses also appear in Toledo. Attention: only enrolling in a Toledo course without having the course included in your ISP is insufficient: you cannot take an exam for this course.

Step 2: Complete your schedule

Once all desired courses have been ticked, you must compile your course schedule. 
After your registration, you will be assigned to a class group. Until this is done, you cannot edit your ISP. In this case, when you open your ISP, you will get the message '... missing class group ...'. Practice patience for a few days after opening the ISP. If this does not work out, contact the secretariat of your programme. 

If you don't get a notification about a missing class group, you can update your ISP. There are two possibilities: 

  • The class series is already indicated: you were assigned to a class group for this course. You cannot make any more changes here. You see a green tick behind the course.
  • The course is not assigned. You see an orange exclamation mark behind the course:
    • Follow your programme's instructions on which lesson series to indicate
    • If you did not receive instructions from your programme, you are free to choose which series you want to take via the dropdown menu. This is e.g. the case for electives or for courses of another phase than the one of your enrolment. After selecting a course series, you will immediately see the corresponding lesson times in your course schedule. When making your choice, avoid as much overlap between your classes as possible.

Step 3: Save your ISP temporarily or submit your ISP

Save your ISP provisionally if you are not yet sure about the choices made and wish to review or edit your ISP again at a later date.

Are all courses you will take in the current academic year checked? Then submit your ISP as soon as possible, so the Student Administrative Services Centre can check (and approve) your ISP. Attention: once you submit your ISP for verification, you can no longer make changes!

Do not forget to submit your ISP for final approval by 15 October at the latest.

As soon as your ISP is approved, your details will be passed on to the government and the growth package/child benefit fund (if applicable).

Need help with your ISP registration? A practical question?

Contact the Student Administrative Services Centre