Transgressive Behavior

As a college, we want to commit to an environment where there is no room for transgressive behavior and where - should it occur - it is taken seriously and addressed. Everyone has the basic right to decide for themselves where their boundaries lie. If someone else crosses your personal boundary, this behavior is undesirable. It is then important to indicate this immediately and clearly in your communication.

Talk and report

External hotline for transgressive behavior

You can also file an external report via, or call 02 552 41 20. You will then reach the Flemish Ombudsman Service. The persons who receive your report have professional confidentiality, so confidentiality is guaranteed. The Flemish Gender Chamber as part of the Flemish Mediation Service is directly supervised by the Flemish Parliament, so an independent position is more than guaranteed. The operation is very accessible.

International students can also contact the Flemish Gender Chamber.

Talk and report

What do you do when confronted with transgressive behavior?

When your gut feeling or intuition tells you that a situation is not okay it is almost always right. It is then extremely important to do something with it.


Talk about it with your friends or with your parents so that you can check your gut feeling. If you do want to talk about it anonymously (at first), you can always call teleconsultation.

Always make sure you communicate clearly about your boundaries.

If you have doubts or experience that boundaries are being crossed - by whomever - you can always report this within the University College to one of the student psychologists who act as a confidential advisor for such situations.

If it concerns transgressive behaviorat your internship site, you can also report this to your internship supervisor from the University of Applied Sciences. You can also directly contact the counsellor of your internship institution. However, we recommend that you make your report in the first place through the university. The university will always take care of you as a student and, if necessary, consult with the confidential counsellor at the internship site.

In any case, we would absolutely advise you to always report it when it occurs.

Studenten babbelen met elkaar aan tafel

Contact a student counselor on your campus

Contact a student counselor on your campus

Maak hieronder via de Bookings tool een on campus of online afspraak met één van de studentenpsychologen van campus Aalst. Indien de mogelijkheden via Bookings niet passen voor jou (bv. omwille van stage of werk overdag...), gelieve dan te mailen voor een ander moment.

KU Leuven studenten: gelieve Marc, Leen of Maarten te contacteren.

Odisee studenten: gelieve de studentenbegeleiders te contacteren via het algemeen mailadres (zie link onderaan).

Gelieve de studentenpsychologen te contacteren via het algemeen mailadres (zie link onderaan).