Who is who
Maarten Kindt
Studentenpsycholoog - Zorgcoördinator - Ombudsmedewerker - Vertrouwenspersoon
Main workplace
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
Contact details
- maarten.kindt@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Medewerker STUVO+ - Campus Brussel
- Medewerker STUVO+ - Campus Dilbeek
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Compound stimulus extinction in human fear conditioning (opens in a new window)Special Interest Meeting on Fear and Learning, Date: 2007/05/01 - 2007/05/01, Location: Le Lignely, Belgium
Perceptual learning and the prevention of fear generalization (opens in a new window)Special Interest Meeting on Fear and Learning, Date: 2007/05/01 - 2007/05/01, Location: Le Lignely, Belgium
Fear generalization in humans: Impact of verbal instructions (opens in a new window)Behaviour Research and Therapy ; 2010; Vol. 48; iss. 1; pp. 38 - 43