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Inclusive employer behaviour

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This project is done in cooperation with Unizo and Verso and with the financial support of the European Social Fund (ESF).

European Social Fund (ESF)
Research project

Inclusive employer behaviour: a matter of will, ability and doing

Research shows that many employers are willing and able to take the step towards being an inclusive employer. They just don't get around to actually doing it. What do they need to make their intentions come true?

Many employers are what we call inclined abstainers. They have no need for additional sensitisation or counselling. The question is: what do they need in order to bridge the intention-behaviour gap and actually adopt inclusive employer behaviour? And how can they best be supported in doing so? This question - the question of effective ways to get employers to adopt more truly inclusive employer behaviour - has so far received little research. Time to change that.


On 1 June Odisee started the ESF innovation project 'Inclusive employer behaviour: a matter of wanting, being able to and doing' together with employers' organisations Unizo and Verso. The aim is to look for what employers who say 'yes' to being an inclusive employer but do not act accordingly need in order to convert their intention into actual behaviour.

We start with a thorough behavioural analysis based on various theories of behaviour and behavioural change, such as the Integrative Model of Behavioural Prediction (Fishbein, 2008; Fishbein & Ajzen, 2010), the Self-Determination Theory (Ryan & Deci, 2008) and the theory of habitual behaviour (Aerts et al., 1989).

After we have a clear understanding of the behaviour of the employers we want to support with our service, we will start with the concept development of our service (i.e. choosing and working out the interventions that will make up our service). At the end of this first phase, we will prototype this new service for the first time. If the evaluation of the prototype is positive, we will start in March '21 with the further development and practical testing of the new service.

Man in suit thumbs up

Meet the researchers

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Information for non-Belgian nationals

Every student who does not have the Belgian nationality is required to register at the Foreigners Office of the city were they are residing. The exact procedure can differ slightly from city to city and will depend on your situation. Below you can find the most common regulations on registering at the city hall for the first time, renewing your residence permit and applying for an orientation year.

Travel advice & travel documents (including visas)

At Odisee, we care about your safety during a study or traineeship mobility abroad very. This is why the International Relations Office and more specifically your coordinator for traineeship or study mobility checks the travel advice from Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation for the destination of outgoing students.

Of course, COVID-19 can still play a role in the risk analysis in the region you are travelling to, but it is no longer decisive for the travel policy.

Your responsibility too 

Given the large number of students going on an exchange and the multitude of destinations, we would like to ask you, as soon as your programme is confirmed and your Learning Agreement signed, to regularly check on the travel advice until your departure. Like this, the International Relations Office and yourself will monitor the safety at your destination.

Social Work Research Centre

As Social Work Research Centre, we stand for high-quality practice-based research. By doing so, we contribute to service provision and education. We focus on the realisation of fundamental rights and are committed to social justice, full citizenship and human dignity. Brussels is our base and source of inspiration.

The Centre for Family Studies

The Centre for Family Studies conducts practice-based research from the perspective of families, with the aim of strengthening their functioning and well-being.

Photo: © VGC - Photographer Lander Loeckx