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Monitoring of studies by parents or third parties

The laws on privacy (the General Data Protection Regulation) do not allow Odisee to disclose data about its students to third parties.

This means that we don't provide any information to parents or third parties, but only to the student in question. However, there are a number of ways that you, a parent or third party, can follow a student's study academic career.

Dates of publication of results

The timeline below shows when the results of your programme will be released. These will be published gradually and in random order during the hours you can find below.

You will receive an email on your student email account with a link to your study progress file where you can consult your exam results.

To avoid overloading the system, we kindly ask you to wait for the email that confirms that your results are published.


Course schedules and class groups

Only after you have entered your individual study programme (ISP) can you consult your personal schedule. You will find an answer to the most frequently asked questions about course schedules below.

How to register your Individual Study Programme? 

For each class group a course schedule has been drawn up in which the lessons of compulsory subjects do not overlap. Read all about it on this page

How to register your Individual Study Programme (ISP)?

Once your accounts are activated, you can compose your individual study programme (ISP). This means that you have to tick all the course units that you want to take during the academic year. If you have exemptions, you also need to register them.

Amendments to the programmes

The WOP sheets of a study programme reflect the consequences of changes in theprogramme.

On the basis of these WOP sheets, you can compose your individual study programme (ISP) and possibly prepare for an interview with the learning path coach if your studies are delayed.

Do you have any questions about putting together your individual study programme? Do not hesitate to contact the learning path coach of your programme.

Contact a learning path coach

Psychological counseling

Do you suffer from fear of failure or procrastination? Do you want to improve your study method and/or study planning? Or do you just want to come and talk about a personal problem? You can always contact the student psychologist at your campus for advice and support. All free of charge. Students with a disability can contact the disability officer

Online Exam


Below you will find frequently asked questions for the online exams.

Tip: various screencasts are shown in the answers to questions. If you want to quickly go through all those screencasts  after reading the explanation, you can do so via this playlist.

Activate accounts / Change password

Before you can access our digital environment, you need to activate your accounts.

Choose which programme you will follow, and we will explain how to activate your accounts step by step!

Do you start as our new Odisee-colleague? We gladly help you to activate your account. 

Did you forget your password? Find out below how to gain access to your account again.