Personal counseling

Your college days are usually the best time of your life. But sometimes you are confronted with problems that more or less seriously hinder your study progress.

These may be study-related problems: you suffer from fear of failure or exam stress, you have doubts about whether you can cope with your studies, you keep putting off studying, you don't know how to go about it, you doubt whether you have made the right (study) choice.... But personal or relationship problems can also affect your studies: you're not sure whether you're gay, straight or bi, you have a fight with your parents or your lover, you're lonely, you no longer see the meaning of life, you're shy, you don't feel good about yourself, you use too much alcohol or drugs, you're worried that you're pregnant (or that your girlfriend is pregnant), you're ill ...

Gesprek met student

Talk about it

For these questions and problems you can contact (without threshold fear) the professionally trained student psychologists of STUVO. Talking about it and analysing your problem together with an expert outsider or receiving tailor-made advice are often the first steps towards a solution for something that seems insurmountable. It may also be important to note that everything you tell the student psychologists is strictly confidential and therefore not "leaked" to teachers or other services. After all, professional staff are bound by professional secrecy. Finally, you don't have to worry about the financial aspect either, after all, the counseling sessions by the STUVO student psychologists are free of charge.

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Do you still have questions?

Not sure if you qualify for special status? Do you want to know what the possible facilities are? Do you have questions about the feasibility of studying in higher education with a disability?

Then be sure to contact the care coordinator on your campus

Maak hieronder via de Bookings tool een on campus of online afspraak met één van de studentenpsychologen van campus Aalst. Indien de mogelijkheden via Bookings niet passen voor jou (bv. omwille van stage of werk overdag...), gelieve dan te mailen voor een ander moment.

KU Leuven studenten: gelieve Marc, Leen of Maarten te contacteren.

Odisee studenten: gelieve de studentenbegeleiders te contacteren via het algemeen mailadres (zie link onderaan).

Gelieve de studentenpsychologen te contacteren via het algemeen mailadres (zie link onderaan).