Who is who
Bram Rotthier
Opleidingshoofd Energietechnologie
Main workplace
Technologiecampus Gent
Gebroeders de Smetstraat 1
9000 Gent
9000 Gent
Contact details
- bram.rotthier@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Opleidingshoofd Energietechnologie - Technologiecampus Gent
- Lid onderwijsteam Energietechnologie - Technologiecampus Gent
- Lid kernteam Energietechnologie - Technologiecampus Gent
- Trajectbegeleider Energietechnologie - Technologiecampus Gent
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
DLR study LEV4Climate with emphasis on e-cargo bikes (opens in a new window)Brost, Mascha; Ehrenberger, Simone; Dasgupta, Isheeka; Hahn, Robert; Gebhardt, Laura
Jongeren kwamen nooit zoveel in aanraking met technologie, maar kiezen te weinig voor toekomst in die sector (opens in a new window)Elektricien. Vakblad voor de elektro-installateur; 2024
DLR LEV4Climate study on emission saving potential LEVs (opens in a new window)Brost, Mascha; Ehrenberger, Simone; Dasgupta, Isheeka; Hahn, Robert; Gebhardt, Laura
Light electric vehicles in European technical regulations (opens in a new window)Roetynck, Annick; Eccleston, Eddie
Snelle elektrische fietsen, zijn dat fietsen, bromfietsen of motorfietsen? (opens in a new window)Vlaamse Wielrijder & Biker magazine ; 2016; Vol. 40; pp. 108 - 111
Light Electric Vehicle Standardisation (opens in a new window)LEVA-EU and SBS information meeting on standardisation, Location: Frankfurt
Een genudgede lichte elektrische (r)evolutie? (opens in a new window)7de stedelijke Staten-Generaal van de verkeersveiligheid in Antwerpen, Location: Antwerpen
De stille elektrische (r)evolutie (opens in a new window)VSV Opleidingen, Location: Antwerp
From e-vehicle to smart grid - overview (opens in a new window)Battery Systems, Location: Ghent
Uptake and market development of speed pedelecs in the EU and Belgium (opens in a new window)365SNEL Symposium, Location: Brussels, Belgium
State of play in IEC TC 125 e-Transporters (opens in a new window)2023 IEC YP Workshop, Date: 2023/10/22 - 2023/10/26, Location: Online
De stille elektrische (r)evolutie (opens in a new window)VSV Opleidingen, Location: Antwerp
Relationships of Different Al2O3-Based Powders and Thermal Spray Processes On Electrical Properties of the Coatings (opens in a new window)International Thermal Spray Conference & Exposition, Date: 2013/05/13 - 2013/05/15, Location: Busan, Republic of Korea
Social benefits and legislative challenges of speed pedelecs (opens in a new window)Velo-city Global 2016, Date: 2016/02/27 - 2016/03/01, Location: Taipei
Current European legislation prevents changes in mobility (opens in a new window)Scientists for Cycling colloquium, Date: 2016/11/17 - 2016/11/19, Location: Aveiro
Speed-pedelecs: Potentieel, risico & infrastructuur (opens in a new window)Vijfde stedelijke staten-Generaal van de verkeersveiligheid, Location: Antwerpen
The speed pedelec: A game changer for commuting? (opens in a new window)Green Drive Project Conference, Location: Antwerp
Speed pedelec rider’s behaviour as input for appropriate legislation (opens in a new window)Velo-City 2018, Location: Rio De Janeiro, Brasil
De speed pedelec: fiets, bromfiets of…? (opens in a new window)Fietcongres 2018, Location: Mechelen
Speed pedelecs: een droom voor de pendelaar, een uitdaging voor de wetgever (opens in a new window)Fietscongres, Date: 2016/06/07 - 2016/06/07, Location: Gent
The speed pedelec: a game changer for commuting in Belgium? (opens in a new window)Workshop on electric bicycle commuting, Date: 2016/06/09 - 2016/06/10, Location: Ghent
The TGVelo Project: New Quality System for Electric Bicycles (opens in a new window)Scientist for cycling colloquium, Date: 2016/02/26 - 2016/02/26, Location: Taipei
TGVelo en Fietsen uit de toekomst (opens in a new window)Fietscongres, Date: 2016/06/07 - 2016/06/07, Location: Gent
The speed pedelec: an alternative for the Belgian commuter? (opens in a new window)World Light Electric Vehicle Summit, Date: 2016/09/20 - 2016/09/21, Location: Barcelona
The potential of light electric vehicles (opens in a new window)AEC2018, Date: 2018/10/16 - 2018/10/18, Location: Brussels
The Potential of Light Electric Vehicles for Climate Protection through Substitution for Passenger Car Trips (opens in a new window)2022 Annual POLIS Conference, Location: Brussels
Effects of Ambient Conditions on the Dielectric Properties of Thermally Sprayed Ceramic Coating (opens in a new window)Nord-IS 2013 Proceedings ; 2013; pp. 132 - 136Nordic Insulation Symposium, Date: 2013/06/09 - 2013/06/12, Location: Trondheim, Norway
Comparison of the contribution of smart charging, V2G and energy demand reduction to the energy autonomy of a Belgian city depot (opens in a new window)The 31st International Electric Vehicles Symposium and Exhibition (Kobe, Japan)"; 2018; pp. 226 - 23231st International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2018 and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference 2018, EVTeC 201831st International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2018 and International Electric Vehicle Technology Conference 2018, EVTeC 2018, Date: 2018/10/01 - 2018/10/03, Location: Kobe, Japan
The rise of the speed pedelec, restrained by legislation? (opens in a new window)EVS 2017 - 30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition; 2017EVS, Date: 2017/10/09 - 2017/10/11, Location: Stuttgart
Is the speed pedelec the light electric vehicle that will achieve a modal shift? (opens in a new window)Proceedings of World Light Electric Vehicle Summit; 2017World Light Electric Vehicle Summit, Date: 2017/11/22 - 2017/11/23, Location: Rotterdam
Typical cruising speed of speed pedelecs and the link with motor power as a result of a Belgian naturalistic cycling study (opens in a new window)International Cycling Safety Conference, Date: 2017/09/20 - 2017/09/23, Location: Davis, USA
Proof of concept of a method for on the fly cycling behavior analysis and its use for reducing range anxiety (opens in a new window)EVS Proceedings ; 2017; Vol. 30EVS, Date: 2017/10/09 - 2017/10/11, Location: Stuttgart
Beyond the plug and socket: Towards safe standardized charging infrastructures (opens in a new window)World Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, 2013 ; 2013; pp. 1 - 10EVS, Date: 2013/11/17 - 2013/11/20, Location: Barcelona
Home charging of electric vehicles in Belgium (opens in a new window)2013 World Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, EVS 2014; 2013Electric Vehicle Symposium, Date: 2013/11/17 - 2013/11/20, Location: Barcelona
Synergy between electric vehicles and photovoltaic installations in Belgium (opens in a new window)28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition 2015, EVS 2015; 2015International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, Date: 2015/05/03 - 2015/05/06, Location: Goyang, Korea
Variable speed genset with full rated power converter using readily available industrial products (opens in a new window)2014 16th European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE'14-ECCE Europe) ; 2014; Vol. 4; pp. 2988 - 2994European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications (EPE-ECCE Europe), Date: 2014/08/26 - 2014/08/28, Location: Lappeenranta
Slimme netwerken: waar staan we nu? (opens in a new window)Elektrovisie; 2023; Vol. 2023; iss. 4; pp. 24 - 28
Home charging of electric vehicles (opens in a new window)Environmentally sustainable industrial development; 2017; pp. 228 - 239Academic Council of the National Metallurgical Academy of Ukraine; Dnipro, UkraineISBN: 978-966-2394-31-3