Who is who
Dirk Smits
Directeur Onderzoek en Internationalisering
Main workplace
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
Contact details
- dirk.smits@odisee.be
- Mobile
- 0032486497471
Roles and functions
- Lid Directiecomité
- Lid Academische Raad - Afvaardiging directie
- Directeur Domein Onderzoek en Internationalisering
- Medewerker Dienst Onderzoek en Projectbeheer (DOP)
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Gezondheidszorg
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Bedrijfskunde
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep (Bio)Technologie
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Onderwijs
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Onderzoeksgroep Sociaal-Agogisch Werk
- Plaatsvervangend Lid Comité voor Preventie en Bescherming op het Werk (CPBW)
- Lid Onderzoekscentrum CenSE
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Wat is een goed meetinstrument? (opens in a new window)Psychodiagnostiek in de hulpverlening aan volwassenen en ouderen; 2020; pp. 69 - 90Claes, laurence; Witteman, Cilia; Bastiaens, TimAcco; LeuvenISBN: 9789463798525
A double-structure structural equation model for the study of emotions and their components (opens in a new window)Progress in psychological science around the world. Vol. 1: Neural, cognitive and developmental issues ; 2006; pp. 349 - 365Jing, Q; Rosenzweig, MR; Van Outryve d'Ydewalle, Gery; Zhang, H; Chen, H; Zhang, KPsychology Press; Hove, East SussexISBN: 9780203783122DOI: 10.4324/9780203783122SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-84917707044
Hoe (in)actief zijn Vlaamse kleuters en hoe promoten we beweging op de kleuterschool (opens in a new window)Beweging en voeding: fundamenten van een gezonde levensstijl bij de schoolgaande jeugd ; 2009; pp. 75 - 91VUBPress; BrusselISBN: 978 90 5487 570 3
Latent item predictors with fixed effects (opens in a new window)Explanatory item response models: a generalized linear and nonlinear approach ; 2004; pp. 267 - 287De Boeck, Paul; Wilson, MarkSpringer; New YorkISBN: 0-387-40275-6
ARAT of WOLF, complementair of concurrerend assessment om de functionaliteit van de plegische arm in kaart te brengen bij CVA? (opens in a new window)Jaarboek Ergotherapie 2010 ; 2010; pp. 59 - 73Vlaams Ergotherapeutenverbond vzw, ; Van Handenhoven, WilfriedACCO; LeuvenISBN: 978-90-334-8108-6
Ageing in place: zorgen voor levenskwaliteit (opens in a new window)Oud, maar niet out! Over ouderen met een beperking en inclusie ; 2012; pp. 35 - 58Garant; AntwerpenISBN: 978-90-441-2923-6
Objectieve meting van sensibiliteitsstoornissen na een beroerte (opens in a new window)Jaarboek Ergotherapie; 2012Vlaams Ergotherapeutenverbond, ; Van Handenhove, WilfriedACCO; LeuvenISBN: 9789033489259
Mixed model estimation methods for item response models (opens in a new window)Rasch measurement: Advanced and specialized applications; 2007; pp. 329 - 353Smith, Everett V; Smith, Richard MJAM Press; Maple Grove, MNISBN: 978-0-9755351-6-5
Intuïtie of onderzoek? Mogelijkheden en beperkingen van evidence-based onderwijs (opens in a new window)Handboek Beleidsvoerend vermogen ; 2012; pp. 1 - 8De Coen, D; De Man, L; Denys, K et alPoliteia; BrusselISBN: 9782509003799
Agressie in de welzijnssector: een overzicht en tussentijds verslag (opens in a new window)Agora. Tijdschrift Jongerenbegeleiding ; 2007; Vol. 23; iss. 2; pp. 14 - 18
Slecht leren begint met slecht zien (opens in a new window)Klasse voor Leerkrachten ; 2006; Vol. 163; pp. 10 - 13
Zorgen van leerkrachten - zorgen voor klasse(n)! (opens in a new window)Caleidoscoop ; 2010; Vol. 22; iss. 2; pp. 30 - 33
Het bewegingsgedrag van Vlaamse kleuters (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding ; 2008; Vol. 2; iss. 220; pp. 7 - 11
Kijken naar het spel van kleuters. Het Toverbos (opens in a new window)HJK: De wereld van het jonge kind ; 2013; iss. 3; pp. 16 - 19
Promoting physical activity at the pre-school playground: The effects of providing markings and play equipment (opens in a new window)Preventive Medicine ; 2009; Vol. 48; iss. 4; pp. 335 - 340
From BIS/BAS to the Big Five (opens in a new window)European Journal of Personality ; 2006; Vol. 20; iss. 4; pp. 255 - 270
Locally dependent linear logistic test model with person covariates (opens in a new window)Applied Psychological Measurement ; 2009; Vol. 33; iss. 7; pp. 555 - 569
Geweld in de welzijnssector: uitzonderlijk en alledaags (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift voor Welzijnswerk ; 2006; Vol. 275; pp. 59 - 62
Praktijkgericht wetenschappelijk onderzoek aan Vlaamse hogescholen (opens in a new window)Thema: Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs en Management ; 2012; Vol. 12; iss. 5; pp. 18 - 23
Het Pusher-syndroom (opens in a new window)Acta Ergotherapeutica Belgica ; 2006; Vol. 2006; iss. 3; pp. 5 - 13
Actieve lessen bewegingsopvoeding zijn belangrijk voor kleuters (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift voor Lichamelijke Opvoeding ; 2010; Vol. 2009; iss. 226; pp. 7 - 12
Het Toverbos uitgetest in de praktijk (opens in a new window)Caleidoscoop ; 2012; Vol. 24; iss. 3; pp. 32 - 40
Het woud der verwachtingen (opens in a new window)Thema: Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs en Management ; 2014; Vol. 2014; iss. 5; pp. 49 - 53
Estimation of the MIRID: a program and a SAS-based approach (opens in a new window)Behavior Research Methods, Instruments & Computers ; 2003; Vol. 35; iss. 4; pp. 537 - 549
From anger to verbal aggression: Inhibition at different levels (opens in a new window)Personality and Individual Differences ; 2007; Vol. 43; iss. 1; pp. 47 - 57
A componential IRT model for guilt (opens in a new window)Multivariate Behavioral Research ; 2003; Vol. 38; iss. 2; pp. 161 - 188
Vlaamse kleuter zit te lang stil (opens in a new window)Klasse voor Leerkrachten ; 2008; Vol. 190; pp. 25 - 27
Plagiaat of niet? (opens in a new window)Wetenschappelijk Tijdschrift voor Ergotherapie ; 2008; Vol. 1; iss. 1; pp. 26 - 27
Inclusieve ondersteuning voor ouderen met een handicap (opens in a new window)Alert: Tijdschrift voor Sociaal Werk en Politiek ; 2008; Vol. 34; iss. 5; pp. 51 - 61
Eigenhandig Ervaringsdeskundig Plan: de kracht van ervaringsdeskundigheid (opens in a new window)Balans: tijdschrift voor agogisch werk ; 2011; Vol. 7; iss. 20; pp. 7 - 10
Examining the structure of concepts: Using interactions between items (opens in a new window)Applied Psychological Measurement ; 2003; Vol. 27; iss. 6; pp. 415 - 439
Validation of the German version of the Burn Specific Health Scale-Brief (BSHS-B) (opens in a new window)Burns ; 2015; Vol. 41; iss. 6; pp. 1333 - 1339
Non-suicidal self-injury in eating disordered patients: A test of a conceptual model (opens in a new window)Psychiatry Research ; 2011; Vol. 188; iss. 1; pp. 102 - 108
The inhibition of verbally aggressive behavior (opens in a new window)European Journal Of Personality; 2003; Vol. 18; iss. 7; pp. 537 - 555
Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Pulmonary-Specific Quality-of-Life Scale in Lung Transplant Patients (opens in a new window)Frontiers In Psychiatry; 2019; Vol. 10
The German version of the Material Values Scale. (opens in a new window)Psychosoc Med; 2013; Vol. 10; pp. Doc05 - ...
The inhibition of verbally aggressive behaviour (opens in a new window)European Journal of Personality ; 2004; Vol. 18; pp. 537 - 555
Lifetime self-harm behaviors are not more prevalent in bariatric surgery candidates than in community controls with obesity (opens in a new window)Obesity Facts ; 2018; Vol. 11; iss. 2; pp. 109 - 115
Self-Injury and Disordered Eating: Expressing Emotion Dysregulation through the Body (opens in a new window)Suicide & Life-threatening Behavior ; 2012; Vol. 42; iss. 4; pp. 416 - 425
Validation of the social appearance anxiety scale in eating disorder patients (opens in a new window)European Eating Disorders Review ; 2012; Vol. 20; iss. 5; pp. 406 - 409
Post-processing, is it a burden or a blessing? Part 2: CNR Saturation as a new hypothesis (opens in a new window)Radiography ; 2015; Vol. 21; iss. 1; pp. E5 - E8
Validation of the German version of the Exercise Dependence Scale (opens in a new window)European Journal of Psychological Assessment ; 2013; Vol. 29; iss. 3; pp. 213 - 219
Post-processing, is it a burden or a blessing? Part 1: Evaluation of clinical image quality Radiography (opens in a new window)Radiography ; 2015; Vol. 21; iss. 1; pp. E1 - E4
Validation and reliability of the Young Schema Questionnaire in a Flemish inpatient eating disorder and alcohol and substance use disorder sample (opens in a new window)Cognitive Therapy and Research ; 2013; Vol. 37; iss. 3; pp. 647 - 656
Prevalence and Correlates of Self-Harm in the German General Population (opens in a new window)PLoS One ; 2016; Vol. 11; iss. 6; pp. 1 - 17
Validation of the German versions of the Perceived Stigmatization Questionnaire and the Social Comfort Questionnaire in adult burn survivors (opens in a new window)Burns ; 2016; Vol. 42; iss. 4; pp. 790 - 796
Faktorenstruktur der deutschsprachigen Version der BIS/BAS-Skalen in einer Bevölkerungsstichprobe / Factor structure of the German version of the BIS/BAS scales in a population-based sample (opens in a new window)Fortschritte der Neurologie, Psychiatrie ; 2013; Vol. 81; iss. 2; pp. 75 - 80
Clinicians' Attitudes Towards Outcome and Process Monitoring: A Validation of the Outcome Measurement Questionnaire (opens in a new window)Adminstration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research ; 2015; Vol. 42; iss. 5; pp. 634 - 641
Understanding reasons for image rejection by radiologists and radiographers (opens in a new window)Journal of Medical Radiation Sciences; 2023; Vol. 70; iss. 2; pp. 127 - 136
The relations between anger, coping with anger, and aggression, and the BIS/BAS system (opens in a new window)Personality and Individual Differences ; 2005; Vol. 39; iss. 4; pp. 783 - 793
The Dutch 20 Item Centrality of Event Scale Factor Structure, Psychometric Properties, and Prospective Value (opens in a new window)European Journal Of Psychological Assessment; 2023; Vol. 39; iss. 3; pp. 211 - 221
Emotional reactivity and self-regulation in relation to personality disorders (opens in a new window)Personality and Individual Differences ; 2009; Vol. 47; iss. 8; pp. 948 - 953
Evidence-based Education. Over onderzoek en/in onderwijs in Vlaanderen (opens in a new window)VELON Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders ; 2012; Vol. 33; iss. 1; pp. 12 - 19
Associations between emotions: Correspondence across different types of data and componential basis (opens in a new window)European Journal of Personality ; 2004; Vol. 18; iss. 3; pp. 159 - 176
The structure of negative emotion scales: generalization over contexts and comprehensiveness (opens in a new window)European Journal of Personality ; 2002; Vol. 16; iss. 2; pp. 127 - 141
Structural characteristics and external correlates of the Working Alliance Inventory-Short Form (opens in a new window)Psychological Assessment ; 2015; Vol. 27; iss. 2; pp. 545 - 551
The appraisal basis of anger: specificity, necessity, and sufficiency of components (opens in a new window)Emotion ; 2003; Vol. 3; iss. 3; pp. 254 - 269
The Dutch Version of the Emotion Reactivity Scale. Validation and relation with various behaviors in a sample of high school students (opens in a new window)European Journal of Psychological Assessment ; 2014; Vol. 30; iss. 1; pp. 73 - 79
The Dutch version of the Centrality of Event Scale (CES): Associations with negative life events, posttraumatic stress, and depression symptoms in a student population (opens in a new window)European Journal Of Psychological Assessment; 2020; Vol. 36; iss. 2; pp. 1 - 11
Psychometric evaluation of the behavioral inhibition/behavioral activation system scales and the sensitivity to punishment and sensitivity to reward questionnaire in a sample of eating disordered patients (opens in a new window)Personality and Individual Differences ; 2009; Vol. 47; iss. 5; pp. 407 - 412
The Dutch Claustrophobia Questionnaire: Psychometric properties and predictive validity (opens in a new window)Journal of Anxiety Disorders ; 2010; Vol. 24; iss. 7; pp. 715 - 722
Validation of the Young Schema Questionnaire-Short Form in a Flemish Community Sample (opens in a new window)Psychologica Belgica; 2018; Vol. 58; iss. 1; pp. 34 - 49
Mixed model estimation methods for the Rasch model (opens in a new window)Journal of Applied Measurement ; 2005; Vol. 6; iss. 3; pp. 273 - 288
The Psychometric Properties of a Brief Dutch Version of the Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of Personality Questionnaire (opens in a new window)Psychological Test Adaptation and Development; 2020; Vol. 1; iss. 1; pp. 1 - 11
The inventory of personality organization-revised: Construction of an abridged version (opens in a new window)European Journal of Psychological Assessment ; 2009; Vol. 25; iss. 4; pp. 223 - 230
The Dutch Self-Concept and Identity Measure (SCIM): Factor Structure and Associations with Identity Dimensions and Psychopathology (opens in a new window)Personality and Individual Differences ; 2018; Vol. 123; pp. 56 - 64
The Validation of a Five-Item Screening Scale for Personality Disorders in Dutch-Speaking Community Adolescents and Adults (opens in a new window)Journal Of Psychopathology And Behavioral Assessment; 2022; Vol. 44; iss. 2; pp. 418 - 431
A brief screener for impairment in personality functioning: Psychometric validation of the Five-Item Screening Scale for Personality Disorders in a Dutch-speaking clinical sample (opens in a new window)Personality Disorders-Theory Research And Treatment; 2024; Vol. 15; iss. 4
The relationship between parental expressed emotions and NSSI: The mediating roles of self-criticism and depression (opens in a new window)Journal of Child and Family Studies ; 2015; Vol. 24; iss. 2; pp. 491 - 498
Persoonlijkheidsstoornissen in de DSM-5 (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie ; 2015; Vol. 45; iss. 4; pp. 278 - 288
Psychometric properties of the Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale of Hewitt in a Dutch-speaking sample: Associations with the Big Five personality traits (opens in a new window)Journal of Personality Assessment ; 2015; Vol. 97; iss. 2; pp. 182 - 190
Individual differences in patterns of appraisal and anger experience (opens in a new window)Cognition & Emotion ; 2007; Vol. 21; iss. 4; pp. 689 - 713
Self-reported cognitive biases are equally present in patients diagnosed with psychotic versus non-psychotic disorders (opens in a new window)Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease ; 2018; Vol. 206; iss. 2; pp. 122 - 129
DSM-5 section III personality traits and section II personality disorders in a Flemish community sample (opens in a new window)Psychiatry Research ; 2016; Vol. 238; pp. 290 - 298
Psychometric Properties of the Dutch Version of the Eating Competence Satter Inventory (ecSI 2.0TM) in Community Adolescents (opens in a new window)Nutrients; 2023; Vol. 15; iss. 21; pp. 1 - 13
The Cognitive Biases Questionnaire for Psychosis (CBQ-P) and the Davos Assessment of Cognitive Biases (DACOBS): Validation in a Flemish sample of psychotic patients and healthy controls (opens in a new window)Schizophrenia Research; 2013; Vol. 147; iss. 2; pp. 310 - 314
DSM-5 non-suicidal self-injury disorder in a community sample: comparing NSSI engagement, recency and severity among emerging adults (opens in a new window)Frontiers In Psychiatry; 2023; Vol. 14; pp. 1 - 6
The Associations Between Temperament and Self-Oriented, Other-Oriented, and Dual-Harmful Behaviors in Emerging Adults (opens in a new window)Psychologica Belgica; 2024; Vol. 64; iss. 1; pp. 201 - 213
The Relationship between the Personality Inventory for the DSM-5 (PID-5) and the Psychotic Disorder in a clinical sample (opens in a new window)Assessment; 2019; Vol. 26; iss. 2; pp. 315 - 323
The Construct Validity of the Dutch Personality Inventory for DSM-5 Personality Disorders (PID-5) in a Clinical Sample (opens in a new window)Assessment ; 2016; Vol. 23; iss. 1; pp. 42 - 51
Betekenis van de activiteiten en bevindingen IOO-onderzoek vanuit meer beleidsgerichte hoek (opens in a new window)IOO²: studie-werkdag, Date: 2010/01/18 - 2010/01/18, Location: Leuven
Het beeld van palliatieve zorg bij de bevolking. Ontwikkeling, toetsing en toepassing van een meetinstrument (opens in a new window)Vlaams-Nederlands Onderzoeksforum Palliatieve Zorg, Date: 2012/01/23 - 2012/01/23, Location: Rotterdam, Nederland
The Image of Palliative Care among the General Population. Development, Testing and Application of a Scientific Sensible Measuring Instrument (opens in a new window)EAPC-congres, Date: 2011/01/18 - 2011/01/21, Location: Lissabon, Portugal
Zorgvragen en oplossingen, zowel binnen als buiten de school (opens in a new window)Klassen met zorgen - Zorgen voor klasse(n), Date: 2008/01/08 - 2008/01/08, Location: Mechelen
De lijn wetenschappelijke vorming in de opleidingen verpleegkunde en vroedkunde als opstap naar de Masteropleiding (opens in a new window)HGZO Congres: themadag i.v.m. opleidingsvernieuwing, Date: 2007/11/20 - 2007/11/20, Location: Brussel
Zorgen van leerkrachten, zorgen voor klasse(n)? (opens in a new window)Conferentie voor Sociale Inclusie: Praktijk en wetenschap in wisselwerking, Date: 2008/11/07 - 2008/11/07, Location: Mechelen
Zoeken en beoordelen van informatie (opens in a new window)Pedagogische studiedag Sint Guido Instituut, Brussel, Date: 2013/09/17 - 2013/09/17, Location: Wemmel
Maatschappelijke impact meten met indicatoren (opens in a new window)Vormgeven van de maatschappelijke impact van praktijkgericht onderzoek, Date: 2022/06/29 - 2022/06/29, Location: Arnhem
Kwantitatief en kwalitatief onderzoek: Een inleiding in belangrijke concepten: Statistiek in woorden (opens in a new window)Studiedag praktijkgericht onderzoek, Date: 2014/01/12 - 2014/01/19, Location: Brussel
Het Toverbos uitgetest in de kleuterklas: een spelgerichte methode ter bevordering van de sociaal-emotionele ontwikkeling bij kleuters (opens in a new window)Vlaams Congres kinder- en jeugdpsychiatrie en -psychotherapie 2013, Date: 2013/09/19 - 2013/09/20, Location: Antwerp
Praktijkgericht onderzoek, vanidee tot projectvoorstel (opens in a new window)Onderwijsdag KAHO, Date: 2012/01/13 - 2012/01/13
Integratie van onderzoek in opleidingsonderdelen: de leerlijn evidence based practice (opens in a new window)Studiedag KHM: als leren resultaat moet hebben... maak je als docent het verschil, Date: 2010/01/04 - 2010/01/04
Wetenschappelijke vorming voor professionele bachelors in de gezondheidszorg (opens in a new window)HGZO Congres 2009, Date: 2009/01/26 - 2009/01/27, Location: Lunteren, Netherlands
'Evidence Based Practice', dat doe je niet alleen (opens in a new window)Onderwijsdag KAHO-KHBO: De kracht van een team, Date: 2013/02/01 - 2013/02/01, Location: Brugge
Kwantitatief en kwalitatief onderzoek: Een inleiding in belangrijke concepten (opens in a new window)Studiedag Praktijkgericht Onderzoek, Date: 2013/01/20 - 2013/01/20, Location: Mechelen - Brussel
Voorstelling onderzoek naar behoeften op het gebied van vrijetijdsbesteding van de Brusselse jeugd met een handicap (opens in a new window)Vrije tijd van de Brusselse jeugd doorgelicht!, Date: 2010/04/27 - 2010/04/27, Location: Brussel
Effect van een complementaire interventie bij sensibiliteitsstoornissen na CVA (opens in a new window)HGZO Congres 2012, Date: 2012/01/22 - 2012/01/23, Location: Lunteren, Nederland
Testing functionality of the arm: A comparison between the ARAT and Wolf Motor Functioning Test (opens in a new window)World Physical Therapy 2011: international WCPT congress, Date: 2011/06/20 - 2011/06/23, Location: Amsterdam
Testing functionality of the arm: A comparison between the ARAT and Wolf Motor Functioning Test (opens in a new window)Onderzoek in beweging 2012, Date: 2012/01/21 - 2012/01/01, Location: Universiteit Maastricht
Wetenschappelijke vorming voor professionele bachelors in de gezondheidszorg (opens in a new window)HGZO congres: Themadag i.v.m. ‘Werkplekleren’ en ‘Evidence based practice’, Date: 2008/11/20 - 2008/11/20, Location: Brussel, Belgium
Wetenschappelijke vorming voor professionele bachelors in de gezondheidzorg (opens in a new window)Onderwijsdag Sint-Lukas Hogeschool, Date: 2009/11/19 - 2009/11/19
Werken aan informatievaardigheden: een steunpijler van EBP in het studiegebied gezondheidszorg (opens in a new window)Informatiewijs in het onderwijs: van leerlijn naar competentie, Date: 2010/01/23 - 2010/01/23, Location: Associatie K.U.Leuven, Leuven
Werken met het IOO-profiel-vorm op opleidingsniveau (opens in a new window)Studiedag Integratie van onderzoek in onderwijs (IOO): een reus op lemen voeten?, Date: 2009/09/15 - 2009/09/15, Location: Leuven
Een leerlijn 'wetenschappelijke vaardigheden', graduele opbouw doorheen een curriculum (opens in a new window)Onderwijsdag voor docenten Professionele opleidingen HUBrussel, Date: 2010/01/12 - 2010/01/12
implementatie van informatievaardigheden en wetenschappelijke vorming in de curricula (case uit de gezondheidszorg) (opens in a new window)interne vormingsdag KATHO, Date: 2010/01/20 - 2010/01/20, Location: Kortrijk
Supporting ageing in place for aging people with disabilities: policy issues (opens in a new window)2011 ENSACT Conference on ‘Social Action in Europe: Social Sustainable development and economical challenges’, Date: 2011/04/10 - 2011/04/13, Location: Brussel
Reflectie over vrije tijd voor personen met een beperking n.a.v. Demos-onderzoek (opens in a new window)Vrije tijd, in en uit zorg, Date: 2011/01/09 - 2011/01/06, Location: Brussel
An analysis of leisure activities of children with a disability in Brussels (opens in a new window)2011 ENSACT Conference on ‘Social Action in Europe: Social Sustainable development and economical challenges’, Date: 2011/04/10 - 2011/04/13, Location: Brussel
Disability and home care: bridging policy and practice of “Ageing in Place” (opens in a new window)EASPD Policy Seminar 2012 “You cared for me, I care for you: solidarity between generations and abilities”, Date: 2012/12/05 - 2012/12/05, Location: Brussels
Kenmerken van een goede onderzoeksvraag (opens in a new window)Studiedag Praktijkgericht Onderzoek, Date: 2013/01/13 - 2013/01/13, Location: Mechelen - Brussel
Kenmerken van een goede onderzoeksvraag (opens in a new window)Studiedag Praktijkgericht onderzoek, Date: 2014/01/12 - 2014/01/19
Detector dose vs image quality in radiography with digital detectors: a visual grading analysis (opens in a new window)European Congress of Radiology, Date: 2013/03/07 - 2013/03/11, Location: Vienna, Austria
How well do we cope with digital detectors? A visual grading analysis of orthopedic radiographs (opens in a new window)ETRAP - International Conference on Education and Training in Radiological Protection, Date: 2013/03/02 - 2013/03/15, Location: Vienna, Austria
Validation and Reliability of the Young Schema Questionnaire in a Flemish Inpatient Eating Disorder and Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder Sample (opens in a new window)European Conference on Psychological Assessment, Date: 2013/07/17 - 2013/07/20, Location: Donostia-San Sebastian
Masterclass lezen van wetenschappelijk onderzoek (opens in a new window)8ste ontmoetingsdag Verpleegkunde en vroedkunde, Associatie K.U.Leuven, Date: 2009/09/08 - 2009/09/08, Location: Leuven
De psychometrische validatie van een korte screener voor persoonlijkheidsfunctioneren in Nederlandstalige patiënten (opens in a new window)Open Geestdagen, Location: Alexianen Zorggroep Tienen (AZT)
Validation of a five-item screening scale for personality disorders (FISSPD) in Dutch-speaking community adolescents and adults. (opens in a new window)International Society for Research on Identity (ISRI) Conference, Date: 2021/06/03 - 2021/06/04, Location: Virtual conference
The psychometric evaluation of a Five-Item Screening Scale for Personality Disorder in community and clinical adults and adolescents (opens in a new window)Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 57th Annual Convention, Date: 2023/11/16 - 2023/11/19, Location: Seattle (WA), USA
Observaties vierde leerjaar: instrumentontwikkeling en basisrapportage (schooljaar 2006-2007) (opens in a new window)Longitudinaal onderzoek in het basisonderwijs; SSL/OD1/2009.19; 2009
Onderzoeksrapport duurzaam HRM: een meervoudige case study in de Vlaamse private en publieke sector (opens in a new window)De Prins, Peggy; Janssens, Ilse; Foulon, Carl; De Troyer, Goedele; Van Hoydonck, Anouck; Smits, Dirk; Dessein, Domien; Henssen, Bart
Agressie tegen holebi’s in Brussel stad (opens in a new window)Maklu Uitgevers N.V.; AntwerpenISBN: 978-90-466-0120-4
Onderzoek in de praktijk. Een gids voor praktijkgericht onderzoek (opens in a new window)Acco; LeuvenISBN: 9789033485602
Getting under the skin. How temperamental dimensions and anger are related to non-suicidal self-injury. (opens in a new window)Claes, Laurence; Smits, Dirk; Kiekens, Glenn
Do radiographers base the diagnostic acceptability of a radiograph on anatomical structures? (opens in a new window)Medical Imaging 2018: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment; 2018; Vol. 10577; iss. 10577SPIE Medical imaging: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, Date: 2018/02/10 - 2018/02/15, Location: Houston, TX, USA
Variability amongst radiographers in the categorization of clinical acceptability for digital trauma radiography (opens in a new window)MEDICAL IMAGING 2016: IMAGE PERCEPTION, OBSERVER PERFORMANCE, AND TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT; 2016; Vol. 9787Conference on Medical Imaging - Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, Date: 2016/03/02 - 2016/03/03, Location: San Diego, CA
Assessment of image quality in orthopaedic radiography with digital detectors: a visual grading analysis (opens in a new window)Proc. SPIE 8673, Medical Imaging 2013: Image Perception, Observer Performance, and Technology Assessment, 86731C; 2013; Vol. 8673SPIE Medical Imaging, Date: 2013/02/09 - 2013/02/14, Location: Florida, USA