Who is who
Ellen Moens
Ankerpersoon - Sprinttrekker - Projectmedewerker Onderwijsontwikkeling
Main workplace
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
Contact details
- ellen.moens2@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Medewerker Dienst Onderwijsontwikkeling en Kwaliteitszorg (DOK)
- Lid Onderwijsteam Biomedische Laboratoriumtechnologie - Technologiecampus Gent
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Parental feeding behavior in relation to children's tasting behavior: An observational study (opens in a new window)Appetite; 2018; Vol. 120; pp. 205 - 211
Parental Rejection as a Predictor of Emotional Eating After Inpatient Weight Loss Treatment for Youngsters (opens in a new window)Behaviour Change; 2018; Vol. 35; iss. 4; pp. 217 - 227
Comprehending emotional eating in obese youngsters: the role of parental rejection and emotion regulation (opens in a new window)International Journal Of Obesity; 2014; Vol. 38; iss. 4; pp. 525 - 530
Emotion Regulation in Children with Emotional Problems (opens in a new window)Cognitive Therapy And Research; 2014; Vol. 38; iss. 5; pp. 493 - 504
Observation of parental functioning at mealtime using a sibling design (opens in a new window)Appetite; 2013; Vol. 68; pp. 132 - 138
Strategies to improve the Willingness to Taste: The moderating role of children's Reward Sensitivity (opens in a new window)Appetite; 2016; Vol. 103; pp. 344 - 352
The Daily Relation between Parental Rejection and Emotional Eating in Youngsters: A Diary Study (opens in a new window)Frontiers In Psychology; 2017; Vol. 8
Feasibility and Effectiveness of Adding an Approach Avoidance Training With Game Elements to a Residential Childhood Obesity Treatment A Pilot Study (opens in a new window)Behaviour Change; 2018; Vol. 35; iss. 2; pp. 91 - 107
Subtyping Children and Adolescents Who Are Overweight Based on Eating Pathology and Psychopathology (opens in a new window)European Eating Disorders Review; 2012; Vol. 20; iss. 4; pp. 279 - 286
Can we link emotional eating with the emotion regulation skills of adolescents? (opens in a new window)Psychology & Health; 2016; Vol. 31; iss. 7; pp. 857 - 872
Strategies to increase preschoolers' vegetable liking and consumption: The role of reward sensitivity (opens in a new window)Food Quality And Preference; 2018; Vol. 66; pp. 153 - 159
How is reward sensitivity related to bodyweight in children? (opens in a new window)Appetite; 2012; Vol. 58; iss. 2; pp. 478 - 483
Measuring Punishment and Reward Sensitivity in children and adolescents with a parent-report version of the Bis/Bas-scales (opens in a new window)Personality And Individual Differences; 2015; Vol. 87; pp. 272 - 277
Reward sensitivity and body weight: the intervening role of food responsive behavior and external eating (opens in a new window)Appetite; 2017; Vol. 112; pp. 150 - 156
Food Approach and Food Avoidance in Young Children: Relation with Reward Sensitivity and Punishment Sensitivity (opens in a new window)Frontiers In Psychology; 2016; Vol. 7; iss. JUN
Orthorexia herkennen en begeleiden in de diëtistenpraktijk (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift voor Voeding en Diëtetiek; 2022
Orthorexia in de diëtistenpraktijk (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift voor Voeding en Diëtetiek; 2020
Thought suppression in obese and non-obese restrained eaters: piece of cake or forbidden fruit? (opens in a new window)European Eating Disorders Review; 2008; Vol. 16; iss. 1; pp. 67 - 76
Inpatient treatment for children with obesity : weight loss, psychological well-being, and eating behavior (opens in a new window)Journal of Pediatric Psychology ; 2004; Vol. 29; iss. 7; pp. 519 - 529
The association of parental characteristics and psychological problems in obese youngsters (opens in a new window)International Journal of Obesity ; 2006; Vol. 30; iss. 12; pp. 1766 - 1774
Observation of family functioning at meal times : a comparison between families of children with and without overweight (opens in a new window)Journal of Pediatric Psychology ; 2007; Vol. 32; iss. 1; pp. 52 - 63
Differences in eating styles between overweight and normal-weight youngsters (opens in a new window)Journal of Health Psychology ; 2008; Vol. 13; iss. 6; pp. 733 - 743
Drop-out bij de behandelng van kinderen met overgewicht (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift Klinische Psychologie ; 2010; Vol. 40; pp. 272 - 283
Are two informants better than one? Parent-child agreement on the eating styles of children who are overweight (opens in a new window)European Eating Disorders Review ; 2007; Vol. 15; iss. 6; pp. 410 - 417
Ending Prematurely a Weight Loss Programme: The Impact of Child and Family Characteristics (opens in a new window)Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy; 2010; Vol. 17; iss. 5; pp. 406 - 417
The effect of parental rejection on the emotional eating behaviour of youngsters: A laboratory-based study (opens in a new window)Appetite ; 2016; Vol. 108; iss. 1; pp. 219 - 225
Unfavourable Family Characteristics and Their Associations with Childhood Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Study (opens in a new window)European Eating Disorders Review ; 2009; Vol. 17; iss. 4; pp. 315 - 323
Feasibility and impact study of a reward-based mobile application to improve adolescents’ snacking habits (opens in a new window)Public Health Nutrition; 2018; Vol. 21; iss. 12; pp. 2329 - 2344