Who is who
Jelle De Schrijver
Main workplace
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
Contact details
- jelle.deschrijver@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Onderwijs
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Bijscholing Filozoo (opens in a new window)Studiedag Vlaams-Brabant voor leerkrachten wereldoriëntatie lager onderwijs, Date: 2015/01/12 - 2015/01/11, Location: Leuven
Filosoferen over STEM en duurzaamheid in het basisonderwijs (opens in a new window)STEM-vorming provincie Vlaams-Brabant Filosoferen, Location: Vlaams Brabant
Ghent University Botanic Garden: where students meet science (opens in a new window)Botanical Garden Conference International, Location: Geneve
Kritisch denken over wetenschap in het Gents Universiteitsmuseum (opens in a new window)Congres voor leraars wetenschappen VOB-VELEWE, Location: Brussel
Kritisch denken over wetenschap (opens in a new window)velewe-vob studiedag, Date: 2019/11/16 - 2019/11/16, Location: KU Leuven
Does the earth need a doctor? Philosophical dialogue as an instrument to reflect about climate change (opens in a new window)Online Lecture Series (Summer Term 2021) at the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology,, Location: University of Vienna
Teaching Nature of Science to address climate change (opens in a new window)IHPST International History and Philosophy of Science Teaching, Location: Calgary Canada online
Filosoferen over (de)kolonisering (opens in a new window)Dag van het geschiedenisonderwijs, Location: Antwerpen
Teaching the nature of science through philosophical dialogue (opens in a new window)ESERA, Date: 2017/08/21 - 2017/08/25, Location: Dublin
Dare to think in the science class through philosophical dialogue (opens in a new window)NSTA National Science Teacher's Association, Date: 2018/03/12 - 2018/03/18, Location: Atlanta, USA
Filosoferen over STEM in de les wereldoriëntatie (opens in a new window)STEMdagen, Date: 2018/10/15 - 2018/10/17, Location: Technopolis, Mechelen
Is an apple alive? Philosophical dialogues about science (opens in a new window)EUSEA conferentie (European Science Events Association): Beyond HORIZONs – Framing the Future, Location: Leuven, Belgium
Science dynamics at the university museum (opens in a new window)Regional IHPST Conference, Date: 2016/08/22 - 2016/08/25, Location: Flensburg, Germany
Reflectie in de wetenschapsklas (opens in a new window)Velov: lerarenopleiders maken de brug, Location: Hasselt
Gevoelige thema’s in de wetenschapsklas (opens in a new window)STEMstudiedag voor leerkrachten., Location: universiteit Hasselt
Workshop filosoferen met kinderen: filosoferen over de ruimte (opens in a new window)Workshop filosoferen met kinderen: Geuzenhuis Gent, Date: 2021/10/03 - 2021/10/03, Location: Gent
Workshop filosoferen over technologie (opens in a new window)Studiedag Atheneum Wispelbergh, Gent, Date: 2021/09/21 - 2021/09/21, Location: Gent
FiloZoo: leren filosoferen over natuur, mens en de wereld (opens in a new window)Congres voor leerkrachten Freinet-onderwijs, Location: Gent
Workshop en lezing. Filosoferen in de STEMacademie (opens in a new window)Inspiratiedag STEMkans en STEMacademies, Location: Odisee technologiecampus & HoGent
Wetenschapsfilosofie in de klas: Kan je aan wetenschap doen zonder te twijfelen? (opens in a new window)VEFO Studiedag filosofieonderwijs, Location: KULeuven - online
Uiteenzetting FiloZoo (opens in a new window)EPOS-contactseminarie, Date: 2015/01/03 - 2015/01/12, Location: Oostende
ScienceReflex, thinking about science in schools (opens in a new window)EAPRIL, Location: Porto Portugal
Mag je klimaatopwarming ontkennen? Moet je geloven in de evolutietheorie? Gevoelige thema's in de wetenschapsles (opens in a new window)velewe-vob studiedag, Date: 2019/11/16 - 2019/11/16, Location: KU Leuven
Can a molecule be bad? Philosophy and science communication (opens in a new window)Ecsite, Location: Heilbron
Can questions change the world? (opens in a new window)"A climate for climate change education" Conference, Date: 2022/12/14 - 2022/12/14, Location: Antwerp university
Kritisch denken over en met wetenschap (opens in a new window)STEMstudiedag voor leerkrachten., Location: Universiteit Hasselt
Are you sure? How do you communicate about science and uncertainty through philosophical dialogue? (opens in a new window)Allea: future of science communication, Date: 2021/06/24 - 2021/06/25, Location: Berlin - online
Polarisatie en dialoog in de geschiedenisklas (opens in a new window)Vorming leerkrachten geschiedenis - pedagogische begeleidingsdienst Oost-Vlaanderen, Location: Gent
Filosoferen in de klas (opens in a new window)Vorming pedagogische begeleiders, Location: Vormingscentrum Guislain, Gent
Filosoferen over natuur en maatschappij (opens in a new window)Natuureducatie, Date: 2020/02/20 - 2020/02/20, Location: PIME provinciaal instituut milieu-educatie, Lier
Kan je aan wetenschap doen zonder filosofie te beoefenen? Hoe filosofie- en wetenschapsonderwijs hand in hand gaan (opens in a new window)Nederlands-Vlaamse filosofiedag, Location: Universiteit Wageningen
Kritisch denken over wetenschap (opens in a new window)CNO vorming voor leerkrachten, Location: Antwerpen
Filosoferen over filosofieonderwijs (opens in a new window)Dag van het filosofieonderwijs, Location: Antwerpen
Kritisch denken in de wetenschapsklas (opens in a new window)Vorming voor leerkrachten in het SJ Borsbeek, Location: Borsbeek
Workshops in the autopsy room: educating about the nature and the ethics of science (opens in a new window)Universeum Network Meeting, Date: 2016/06/09 - 2016/06/11, Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands
The university museum: an arena for thought-provoking cognitive conflicts? (opens in a new window)Universeum Network Meeting, Date: 2015/06/10 - 2015/06/13, Location: Athens
Dare to think! Educating about the nature of science in the Ghent university museum and botanical garden (opens in a new window)EuroGard, Date: 2015/07/06 - 2015/07/10, Location: Paris
Wat is het waard om geleerd te worden in geschiedenisonderwijs? Een zoektocht naar historische referentiekennis (opens in a new window)Een canon van Vlaanderen, voor geschiedenisonderwijs?, Date: 2023/03/01 - 2023/03/01, Location: Brussel
Workshop historische referentiekennis: Wat is het waard om geleerd te worden in geschiedenisonderwijs? (opens in a new window)Workshop historische referentiekennis: Wat is het waard om geleerd te worden in geschiedenisonderwijs?, Date: 2023/09/13 - 2023/09/13, Location: Mechelen
Kan je denken over het verleden zonder filosofie? De betekenis van filosofie voor het geschiedenisonderwijs (opens in a new window)Nederlands-Vlaamse filosofiedag, Location: Universiteit Wageningen
Kritisch denken over wetenschap (opens in a new window)Vlaams Congres van Leraars Wetenschappen, Location: UGent, campus Ledeganck
Durf denken. Hoe breng je filosofie in het secundair onderwijs? (opens in a new window)CNO studiedag filosofieonderwijs, Location: CNO Universiteit Antwerpen
Gevoelige thema’s in een superdiverse klas ontmijnen via filosofische dialoog (opens in a new window)Velov professionaliseringstraject voor lerarenopleiders, Location: online
Who owns the earth? How do you make students reflect about sustainability (opens in a new window)Sophia Network Meeting, Location: online
Wereldburgerschapseducatie in het beroepsonderwijs? (opens in a new window)WBE in het bso? Lama komen!, Date: 2021/04/21 - 2021/04/21, Location: Online
Kritikat- Kritisch leren denken (opens in a new window)Digiwijs Onderwijsevent Vlaanderen, Date: 2021/10/06 - 2021/10/06, Location: Mechelen
Methodieken: in dialoog tegen COVID-19-desinformatie (opens in a new window)COVID-19 informeren en sensibiliseren van een brede groep van Brusselaars: nepnieuws en COVID-19, Date: 2020/12/17 - 2020/12/17, Location: Brussel
p4science: philosophical dialogue and science education (opens in a new window)Sophia network Meeting, Location: Aveiro Portugal
Filozoo: filosofisch wetenschapslaboratorium (opens in a new window)Internationale Masterclass Filosoferen, Location: Gent
Darwin of Allah? Dialoog over gevoelige thema's in de klas (opens in a new window)Teach-up, studiedag duurzame ontwikkeling, Date: 2020/03/12 - 2020/03/12, Location: Brussel
Een zoektocht naar historische referentiekennis, vanuit een wereldhistorisch perspectief (opens in a new window)Wat is het waard om geleerd te worden in geschiedenisonderwijs? Een zoektocht naar historische referentiekennis, vanuit een wereldhistorisch perspectief, Date: 2024/01/17 - 2024/01/17, Location: CEGESOMA, Brussel
Kritikat- drogredenen ontmaskeren en filosoferen over nepnieuws (opens in a new window)School ❤ Onderzoek - inspiratiedagen 28 en 29 april 2022, Date: 2022/04/28 - 2022/04/29, Location: Brussel
Can the truth also be a lie? Spotting fallacies with CritiCat (opens in a new window)Philosophy and Conflict. Sophia Network Meeting 2022, Date: 2022/06/18 - 2022/06/19, Location: Istanbul
Filozoo : Hoe laat je leerlingen filosoferen over natuur en techniek (opens in a new window)Studiedag Exploratio : wetenschap in dialoog, Location: Brussels
Opleiding voor leerkrachten WO in Brussel ‘Filozoo- didactiek in de wetenschapsklas’ (opens in a new window)Opleiding Filozoo-didactiek, Location: Campus Odisee Brussels
Filozoo: filosofisch wetenschapslaboratorium (opens in a new window)Internationale Masterclass Filosoferen. Gent GO! - DKO – Panta Rhei, Date: 2016/01/13 - 2016/01/13, Location: Gent
Filosoferen over polariserende thema's in de wetenschapsklas (opens in a new window)STEM studiedag UHasselt, Location: Hasselt
Odifiks-cluBXL: Studenten begeleiden STEM-academies voor maatschappelijk kwetsbare jongeren in Brussel (opens in a new window)Velov 2017 - duurzame diversiteit, Date: 2017/02/07 - 2017/02/07, Location: Gent
Enhancing students understanding of the nature of science through philosophical dialogue (opens in a new window)AERA 2018 annual meeting, Date: 2018/04/13 - 2018/04/17, Location: New York City, NY
Filosoferen in de wetenschapsklas (opens in a new window)STEM-dag Technopolis, Date: 2015/01/19 - 2015/01/10, Location: Mechelen
Filosoferen in de wetenschapsklas (opens in a new window)Onderwijs Service vzw, Date: 2016/01/19 - 2016/01/02, Location: Sint-Niklaas
Omgaan met controverse in de geschiedenisklas (opens in a new window)CNO vorming voor leerkrachten, Location: Antwerpen
Filosoferen over wetenschap en techniek met Filozoo (opens in a new window)Studiedag Lerend Netwerk 'Kleine Kinderen Grote Kansen', Location: Campus Odisee, Brussels
Opleiding voor leerkrachten wereldoriëntatie in Brussel ‘Aan de slag met Filozoo in de wetenschapsklas’ (opens in a new window)Training voor leerkrachten: Filozoo in de wetenschapsklas, Location: Brussels
Philomobile: P4C and storytelling in the science curriculum (opens in a new window)Sophia Network Meeting, Date: 2018/05/24 - 2018/05/26, Location: Odense, Denmark
PhiloZoo. Philosophy for children (p4c) in the science curriculum (opens in a new window)Sophia Network Meeting, Date: 2016/09/02 - 2016/09/03, Location: Rethymnon, Crete
Polarisatie over gevoelige thema’s in de wetenschapsklas ontmijnen via dialoog. (opens in a new window)School hartje onderzoek – inspiratiedag voor leraren en onderzoekers, Location: online
Democratische dialoog over gevoelige samenlevingsthema's (opens in a new window)Festival van de verbinding, Date: 2020/06/11 - 2020/06/11, Location: Brussel
Philomobile Objects and stories to philosophize about science (opens in a new window)Sophia Conference, Date: 2018/05/25 - 2018/05/27, Location: Odense, Denmark
Workshop Kritikat (opens in a new window)https://www.nieuwsindeklas.be/indekijker/studiedag-nieuws-in-de-klas/, Date: 2020/09/29 - 2020/10/01, Location: Online lezingen en workshops via Hopin
Can you eat numbers? Increasing the motivation for maths through the use of philosophical dialogue (opens in a new window)EAPRIL, Date: 2021/11/24 - 2021/11/26, Location: online
Mag je alles zeggen wat je denkt? Een dialogische omgang met controversiële thema’s (opens in a new window)velov-velon, Date: 2023/03/17 - 2023/03/18, Location: Brugge
Workshops BeestenBril in Zoo Antwerpen (opens in a new window)BeestenBril Workshops Zoo Antwerpen, Date: 2019/06/06 - 2019/06/07, Location: Antwerp
Dogs in the classroom: Learning children to interact with dogs (opens in a new window)ISAE Benelux 2018, Date: 2018/10/10 - 2018/10/10, Location: Geel, Belgium
STEM 3D: denken, doen en dialoog in de STEM-klas (opens in a new window)iSTEM studiedag voor leerkrachten, Date: 2018/06/01 - 2018/06/01, Location: Campus Sint-Lucas Faculteit Architectuur LUCA, Hoogstraat 51, 9000 Gent
What’s the difference between knowing and believing? Philosophical dialogues to tackle sensitive topics in the science classroom. (opens in a new window)IHPST International History and Philosophy of Science Teaching, Location: Calgary Canada - online
Kan je alles evalueren? Filosoferen als methode om de denkhoudingen van leerlingen bloot te leggen. (opens in a new window)Velov- conges ‘Breed leren- Breed evalueren’, Location: Brussels
P4Science: reintegrating philosophical thinking in the science class (opens in a new window)ICPIC, Date: 2017/06/28 - 2017/06/30, Location: Madrd
Wetenschapsbalans: Dialoog over gevoelige thema’s in de wetenschapsklas (opens in a new window)school hartje onderzoek - inspiratiedag voor leraren en onderzoekers, Location: Brussel - online
From thinking to doing through dialogue: designing a pedagogical strategy for STEM (opens in a new window)GIREP conference 2022, Date: 2022/07/04 - 2022/07/08, Location: Ljubljana
Can science be dangerous? Reflection about ethically and culturally sensitive topics in the secondary science class (opens in a new window)ESERA 2019, Date: 2019/08/26 - 2019/08/30, Location: Bologna
Conceptual understanding of scientific ideas through dialogue and experiment (opens in a new window)GIREP seminar, Date: 2016/08/30 - 2016/09/03, Location: Krakow
Learn to think: developing a teaching method to enhance critical thinking in the first stage of secondary education (opens in a new window)EAPRIL - European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, Date: 2021/11/24 - 2021/10/26, Location: online
What can science teachers learn from the humanities? Philosophical dialogues to trigger reflection about Nature of Science (opens in a new window)The 15th conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Location: Cappadocia, Turkey
Opleidingsdag WetenschapsBalans voor leerkrachten secundair onderwijs (opens in a new window)Opleidingsdag Wetenschapsbalans, Location: Odisee, Warmoesberg 26, 1000 Brussel
I-STEM dagen: STEM & maatschappij (opens in a new window)STEMdagen, Date: 2018/06/01, Location: Odisee campus Gent
Looking animals into the eyes. How to stimulate empathic concern in children by making them observe and reflect about animals? (opens in a new window)CRC Research Symposium, Date: 2017/11/16 - 2017/11/16, Location: Antwerp (Belgium)
Sensitive and controversial topics in the science classroom (opens in a new window)ECER plus (online), Date: 2022/09/01 - 2022/09/10, Location: online (hosted from Yerevan)
Conceptual understanding of scientific ideas through dialogue and experiment: a follow up (opens in a new window)Girep, Date: 2017/07/03 - 2017/07/07
Conceptual understanding of scientific ideas through dialogue and experiment (opens in a new window)European Sci- ence Education Research Association 2017 conference, Date: 2017/08/21 - 2017/08/25, Location: Dublin, Ireland
Een ideeënfabriek voor conceptvorming in natuurwetenschappen (opens in a new window)VELOV, Date: 2018/02/08 - 2018/02/08, Location: Brussel, Belgium
Studiedag Dialoog en kritisch denken in de klas (opens in a new window)ExploRatio studiedag, Location: Odisee
Thinking, Doing, Talking STEM (opens in a new window)ESERA 2019, Date: 2019/08/26 - 2019/08/30, Location: Bologna
Denk je dat of weet je dat? Kritisch denken over wetenschap en geschiedenis opwekken via dialoog (opens in a new window)Velov - Velon Congres voor Lerarenopleiders, Date: 2022/03/17 - 2022/03/17, Location: Brugge, België
A climate for climate education: countering climate misinformation by reflecting about science (opens in a new window)EAPRIL, Date: 2023/11/22 - 2023/11/24, Location: Belfast
Wetenschapsreflex (opens in a new window)School of education Slotevent, Date: 2015/05/06 - 2015/05/06, Location: Leuven
Kunnen jongeren de wereld veranderen? Educatie duurzame ontwikkeling via dialoog voor leerlingen in een superdiverse context (opens in a new window)Onderwijs-Research Dagen, Date: 2023/07/05 - 2023/07/07, Location: Amsterdam
Is the earth without people a better world? Stimulating reflection about sustainability in STEM courses (opens in a new window)International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Date: 2022/11/07 - 2022/11/09, Location: Seville, Spain
Is the earth without people a better world? Stimulating reflection about sustainability in STEM courses (opens in a new window)15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Date: 2022/11/07 - 2022/11/09, Location: Seville, Spain
Zou het erg zijn als mensen uitsterven? EDO-competenties leren stimuleren in de STEMles via dialoog. (opens in a new window)velov-velon, Date: 2023/03/17 - 2023/03/18, Location: Brugge
Reflecting about the Nature of Science in the physics classroom through philosophical dialogue (opens in a new window)Girep, Date: 2017/07/03 - 2017/07/07, Location: Dublin
De alternerende rol van de wetenschapsleerkracht coach en expert (opens in a new window)Velon/VELOV congres 2019, Date: 2019/03/18 - 2019/03/19, Location: Breda, NL
Can we investigate something we cannot see? Stimulating critical thinking about knowledge in the history and science class (opens in a new window)The 15th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation (ICERI), Date: 2022/11/07 - 2022/11/09, Location: Seville, Spain
Does the earth need a doctor? Stimulating competences in Education for Sustainable Development in STEM courses through dialogue (opens in a new window)European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning, Location: Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Kan je leven zonder afval? Duurzaamheidseducatie via dialoog en reflectie in de lerarenopleiding (opens in a new window)Velov - congres voor lerarenopleiders, Location: Antwerpen
Can students change the world? A dialogic approach to sustainability in diverse classes (opens in a new window)EAPRIL Conference of 2023, Date: 2023/11/22 - 2024/02/24, Location: Belfast
STEM in dialoog (opens in a new window)School ♡ onderzoek, Date: 2019/02/14 - 2019/02/14, Location: Brussel
Is it possible to live outside of time? Philosophical questions to enhance students’ critical thinking about history (opens in a new window)Heritage in History Education, Location: Tallinn
IS THE EARTH WITHOUT PEOPLE A BETTER WORLD? STIMULATING REFLECTION ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY IN STEM COURSES (opens in a new window)International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Date: 2022/11/07 - 2022/11/09, Location: Seville, Spain
What would aliens think of science on earth? Philosophical dialogues in the museum to help children reflect about science (opens in a new window)JCOM-Journal of Science Communication; 2023; Vol. 22; iss. 5
Can a rabbit be a scientist? Stimulating philosophical dialogues in science classes (opens in a new window)School Science Review; 2018; Vol. 368; iss. 99; pp. 35 - 43
Wat is het waard om geleerd te worden in geschiedenisonderwijs? De vraag naar historische referentiekennis, een oproep. (opens in a new window)Hermes: Tijdschrift van de Vlaamse Leraren Geschiedenis; 2023; Vol. 27; iss. 2; pp. 4 - 5
‘Gids in de chaos’ of politiek instrument? De rol van een historische canon in geschiedenisonderwijs (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis; 2023; Vol. 136; iss. 2; pp. 149 - 158
Leren onderzoeken door te filosoferen in het wetenschapsonderwijs (opens in a new window)VOB Jaarboek; 2013; Vol. 1; iss. 1; pp. 43 - 52
Wat is het waard om geleerd te worden in geschiedenisonderwijs? De zoektocht naar historische referentiekennis gaat voort (deel 1) (opens in a new window)Hermes: Tijdschrift van de Vlaamse Leraren Geschiedenis; 2024; Vol. 28; iss. 3; pp. 4 - 7
Kan waarheid een leugen zijn? Kinderen kritisch laten denken over media en (des)informatie met Kritikat (opens in a new window)TJK Het Tijdschrift voor Jeugd en Kinderrechten; 2022; Vol. 2022; iss. 3; pp. 188 - 202
Youth co-authorship as public engagement with geoengineering (opens in a new window)International Journal of Science Education Part B-Communication and Public Engagement; 2022; Vol. 12; iss. 1; pp. 60 - 74
Controverse in de wetenschapsklas. Een dialogische en cultuursensitieve aanpak om student-leerkrachten voor te bereiden op gevoelige thema’s (opens in a new window)VELON Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders; 2021; Vol. 42; iss. 4; pp. 95 - 102
Mag je aan alles twijfelen? Kritisch denken over wetenschap (opens in a new window)Jaarboek / Vereniging voor het Onderwijs in de Biologie, de Milieuleer en de Gezondheidseducatie.; 2022; Vol. 45; pp. 13 - 28
Weten over weten: nature of science in het wetenschapsonderwijs (opens in a new window)VOB Jaarboek; 2015; Vol. 12; iss. 1; pp. 189 - 197
An Evolutionary and Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective on Moral Modularity (opens in a new window)MORAL BRAIN: ESSAYS ON THE EVOLUTIONARY AND NEUROSCIENTIFIC ASPECTS OF MORALITY; 2009; pp. 255 - 270Verplaetse, J; DeSchrijver, J; Vanneste, S; Braeckman, JSPRINGERISBN: 978-1-4020-6286-5DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6287-2_12
Denken over causaliteit, continuïteit en verandering (opens in a new window)Sleutels tot historisch denken. Handboek vakdidactiek geschiedenis.; 2024; pp. 111 - 132Bollen, Sophie; Delanote, Broos; De Schrijver, Jelle; Smets, Wouter; Van Doorsselaere, Joris; Van Schaftingen, JanOwl pressISBN: 978-94-64778-94-6
Philosophical dialogue in ecoliteracy education : words for change (opens in a new window)Engaging with environmental education through the language arts : interdisciplinary and creative approaches to fostering ecoliteracy; 2024McGuinn, Nick; Naylor, AmandaRoutledgeISBN: 9781032615554DOI: 10.4324/9781032634524-9
Moral modularity: an evolutionary and cognitive neuroscience perspective (opens in a new window)The Moral Brain. Essays on the Evolutionary and Neuroscientific Aspects of Morality ; 2009; pp. 255 - 270Verplaetse, Jan; De Schrijver, Jelle; Vanneste, Sven; Braeckman, JohanSpringer; DordrechtISBN: 978-1-4020-6287-2
Reflecting about the nature of science through philosophical dialogue (opens in a new window)The nature of science: rationales and strategies; 2020; pp. 223 - 238Springer; Cham
Introduction (opens in a new window)The Moral Brain. Essays on the Evolutionary and Neuroscientific Aspects of Morality; 2009; pp. 1 - 43De Schrijver, Jelle; Verplaetse, Jan; Vanneste, Sven; Braeckman, JohanSpringer; DordrechtISBN: 978-1402062865
The role of cognitive and affective empathy in altruistic motivation: an evolutionary approach (opens in a new window)Human Characteristics: Evolutionary Perspectives on Human Mind and Kind ; 2009; pp. 230 - 242Høgh-Olesen, H; Tønnesvang, J; Bertelsen, PCambridge Scholars; CambridgeISBN: 978-1443802130
Introduction (opens in a new window)The Moral Brain. Essays on the Evolutionary and Neuroscientific Aspects of Morality ; 2009; pp. 1 - 43Verplaetse, Jan; De Schrijver, Jelle; Vanneste, Sven; Braeckman, JohanSpringer; DordrechtISBN: 978-1-4020-6286-5
Pilot Study on the Introduction of Philosophical Dialogues in Flemish Science Classes. Can a rabbit be a scientist? (opens in a new window)Family resemblances. Current trends in philosophy with children; 2018; pp. 239 - 251Duthie, Ellen; Moriyon, Felix Garcia; Loro, Rafael RoblesAnayaISBN: 978-84-667-9094-9
Controversiële thema's in de geschiedenisles (opens in a new window)Sleutels tot historisch denken.; 2024Bollen, Sophie; Delanote, Broos; De Schrijver, Jelle; Smets, Wouter; Van Doorsselaere, Joris; Van Schaftingen, janOwl Press
Are we allowed to tinker with (human) DNA? Addressing socioscientific issues through philosophical dialogue - the case of genetic engineering (opens in a new window)Learning evolution through socioscientific issues; 2022; pp. 197 - 216UA Editora, Universidade de AveiroISBN: 978-972-789-822-0
Daring visitors to think about the nature of science in the botanic garden (opens in a new window)Roots Education Review ; 2016; Vol. 13; iss. 1; pp. 6 - 8
Filosoferen met kinderen, de kleine Plato in uw kind (opens in a new window)Knack Magazine ; 2015; Vol. 03; iss. 14; pp. 16 - 2
Ethisch en cultureel gevoelige onderwerpen in de les wetenschappen (opens in a new window)Vlaams congres voor leraars wetenschappen; 2022
Ethisch en cultureel gevoelige onderwerpen in de les wetenschappen (opens in a new window)Vlaams congres voor leraars wetenschappen; 2023
Werken met, niet tegen, intuïtieve voorkennis natuurwetenschappen (opens in a new window)Werken met, niet tegen, intuïtieve voorkennis natuurwetenschappen: Door dialoog concepten natuurwetenschappen efficiënter aanleren; 2018Garcia Fernandez, Beatriz; Mokuku, Tsepo; Taolane, Bonnqe; Koma, SN; Croes, Tina; Maetens, Coen; De Kinder, Caroline; De Paepe, Herman
Vorsers houden kinderen een dierenspiegel voor (opens in a new window)Gazet van Antwerpen ; 2017; Vol. 28Sannen, Adinda; De Schrijver, Jelle; de Cartier d'Yves, Aymeline; Mennes, Filip; Cornelissen, Eef
Doe-dag BeestenBril-methodiek voor leerkrachten (opens in a new window)Mennes, Filip; Sannen, Adinda
From empathy to morality (opens in a new window)Braeckman, Johan; Verplaetse, Jan
Why Think? Evolution and the Rational Mind (opens in a new window)Philosophical Psychology ; 2008; Vol. 21; iss. 6; pp. 855 - 858
Why Think? Evolution and the Rational Mind (opens in a new window)Philosophical Psychology; 2008; Vol. 21; iss. 6; pp. 855 - 858
Waanzin en natuur: Darwin en de psychiatrie (opens in a new window)Algemeen Nederlands tijdschrift wijsbegeerte ; 2007; Vol. 99; iss. 3; pp. 241 - 242
The university museum as an arena for thought-provoking cognitive conflicts about science (opens in a new window)https://www.uoa.gr/fileadmin/user_upload/PDF-files/anakoinwseis/ekdoseis/2205_universeum-teliko-screen.pdf; 2018; pp. 49 - 56Turning Ιnside Οut European University Heritage: Collections, Audiences, Stakeholders Proceedings of the 16th annual meeting of the universeum european academic heritage network, Date: 2015/06/11 - 2015/06/13, Location: Athene
Can science exist without doubt? Reflection about science in secondary education (opens in a new window)EDULEARN23 Proceedings; 2023; pp. 4823 - 4829EDULEARN, Location: Mallorca
Is an apple alive? Philosophical dialogue in the science class (opens in a new window)11TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF EDUCATION, RESEARCH AND INNOVATION (ICERI2018); 2018; pp. 9664 - 966711th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Date: 2018/11/12 - 2018/11/14, Location: Sevilla, Spain
Can science be dangerous? Reflection about ethically and culturally sensitive topics in the secondary science class (opens in a new window)iceri2018; 2018; pp. 9682 - 968511th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, Date: 2018/11/12 - 2018/11/14, Location: Sevilla, Spain
Can we investigate something we cannot see? Stimulating critical thinking about knowledge in the history and science class (opens in a new window)https://library.iated.org/publications/ICERI2022; 2022; pp. 1424 - 1431ICERI, Date: 2022/11/07 - 2022/11/09, Location: Sevilla
Reflecting about the nature of science through philosophical dialogue (opens in a new window)Science Education Research: Engaging learners for a sustainable future.; 2015ESERA 2015, Date: 2015/08/31 - 2015/09/04, Location: Finland, Helsinki
Does the earth need a doctor? Stimulating competences in Education for Sustainable Development through philosophical dialogue (opens in a new window)chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://eapril.org/assets/images/Proceedings-2022.pdf; 2023; iss. 8; pp. 174 - 185EAPRIL, Location: Nijmegen
Reflecting about the nature of science through philosophical dialogue (opens in a new window)EAPRIL 2015 Proceedings ; 2016; iss. 2; pp. 323 - 330EAPRIL 2015, Date: 2015/11/24 - 2015/11/27, Location: Luxembourg University, Belval, Luxembourg
Filosoferen over natuur in de natuur (opens in a new window)NME-EDO- workshop netwerkdag, Date: 2020/02/29 - 2020/02/29, Location: Brugge
The Moral Brain. Essays on the Evolutionary and Neuroscientific Aspects of Morality (opens in a new window)Verplaetse, Jan; De Schrijver, Jelle; Vanneste, Sven; Braeckman, JohanSpringer; DordrecthISBN: 978-1-4020-6287-2DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4020-6287-2_1
The moral brain. Essays on the Evolutionary and Neuroscientific Aspects of Morality (Japanese edition) (opens in a new window)De Schrijver, Jelle; Verplaetse, Jan; Vanneste, Sven; Braeckman, JohanSpringer science + business and the English agency