Who is who
Joachim Claeyé
Onderzoeker aquacultuur
Main workplace
Campus Sint-Niklaas
Hospitaalstraat 23
9100 Sint-Niklaas
9100 Sint-Niklaas
Contact details
- joachim.claeye@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Lid onderwijsteam Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep (Bio)Technologie
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Ligt er binnenkort een uitgestorven vis op je bord? (opens in a new window)Vlaams infocentrum land- en tuinbouw; 2021
Reprolota: Voortplantingsonderzoek bij zoetwaterkabeljauw (Lota lota) (opens in a new window)Eindrapport Reprolota: Voortplantingsonderzoek bij zoetwaterkabeljauw (Lota lota); 2023
Teelt van roodschaarkreeften in recirculatiesystemen (opens in a new window)Teelt van roodschaarkreeften in recirculatiesystemen; 2023
Lotamarket: kansen en mogelijkheden voor het op de markt brengen van Lota lota uit de Belgische aquacultuur (opens in a new window)Lotamarket: kansen en mogelijkheden voor het op de markt brengen van Lota lota uit de Belgische aquacultuur; 2021; pp. 1 - 79Claeyé, Joachim; Meeus, Wouter
Effect of red algae in feed for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) (opens in a new window)Effect of red algae in feed for rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Duurzame vis: onderzoekers kweken zoetwaterkabeljauw (opens in a new window)VRT Nieuwsjournaal; 2021Claeyé, Joachim; Abeel, Thomas; Meeus, Wouter
De kwabaal is terug! (opens in a new window)Hippocampus – magazine van de Nederlandstalige liga voor onderwateronderzoek en sport Nelos; 2021; iss. 285; pp. 66 - 70Claeyé, Joachim; Meeus, Wouter; Abeel, Thomas
Zoetwaterkabeljauw (opens in a new window)Visaktua; 2018; iss. juli-augustus 2018; pp. 26 - 27Adriaen, Jurgen; Abeel, Thomas; Meeus, Wouter; Claeyé, joachim
Leden in Europa: Met de steun van Europa verdiept Odisee zich in aquacultuur (opens in a new window)Abeel, thomas; Adriaen, jurgen; Vandenberg, willem; Claeyé, Joachim; Meeus, Wouter
Onderzoek omtrent de zoetwaterkabeljauw op het Aqua-ERF (opens in a new window)Abeel, Thomas; Meeus, wouter; Claeyé, joachim
Controle over de voortplanting van de zoetwaterkabeljauw om het pootvisaanbod te vergroten (opens in a new window)Claeyé, joachim; Abeel, thomas; Arnouts, heidi; Van Delsen, bart; Meeus, wouter
R&D brings burbot back to Belgium (opens in a new window)Hatchery International; 2020; Vol. 21; iss. 5; pp. 1,16 - 17
Replacement of fishmeal using poultry-based protein sources in feeds for pikeperch (Sander lucioperca, Linnaeus, 1758) during grow out phase. (opens in a new window)Aquaculture International; 2022; Vol. 31; iss. 1; pp. 65 - 80
Studiedag zoetwaterkabeljauw (opens in a new window)AQUAcultuur; 2019; Vol. 34; iss. 1; pp. 5 - 8
Buikvetreductie bij de omegabaars (Scortum barcoo) door wijziging van de voedersamenstelling, de voederhoeveelheid en zwemactiviteit (opens in a new window)Claeyé, Joachim; Arnouts, Heidi; Abeel, Thomas; Meeus, Wouter
Preliminary assessment of the native benthic predators, burbot (Lota lota) and catfish (Silurus glanis) , as biological control agents for marbled crayfish (opens in a new window)IAA24 Symposium of the International Association of Astacology, Date: 2024/09/16 - 2024/09/20, Location: Hotel Dubrovnik, Zagreb, Croatia
The effect of broodstock diets and fatty acids composition on the reproduction of burbot (lota lota) in recirculating systems (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe, Date: 2023/09/19 - 2023/09/22, Location: Wenen, Oostenrijk
Burbot larviculture: To enrich or not? (opens in a new window)Aqua 2018, Date: 2018/08/25 - 2018/08/29, Location: Montpelier
THE AQUA-VIEW PROJECT: A European common education in aquaculture (opens in a new window)6'th International Professional Conference TRENDS AND CHALLENGES in food technology, nutrition, hospitality, tourism, education and training, Date: 2022/10/27 - 2022/10/28, Location: Ljubljana, Slovenia
The road to commercial burbot aquaculture – a summary (opens in a new window)7th International Symposium on Burbot, 14th International Congress on the Biology of Fish (ICBF), Date: 2022/06/28 - 2022/07/01, Location: Montpellier, France
De zoetwaterkabeljauw als kweek- en consumptievis (opens in a new window)Studiedag zoetwaterkabeljauw, Location: Sint-Niklaas
De hoogtepunten van Aquavlan2 (opens in a new window)Aquavlan2 slotbijeenkomst - Aquacultuur in stroomversnelling, Location: Middelburg, Nederland
Effect of Photoperiod on Juvenile Redclaw (Cherax quadricarinatus) Performance in a Closed Aquaculture System (opens in a new window)International Crayfish Meeting, Date: 2019/08/27 - 2019/08/30, Location: Visby, Gotland, Sweden
Aqua-ERF, Research and Education (opens in a new window)International workshop on freshwater aquaculture research priorities in Europe, Date: 2019/05/08 - 2019/05/09, Location: Tartu
Burbot aquaculture (opens in a new window)"Pikeperch and burbot aquaculture" seminar, Date: 2019/12/11 - 2019/12/11, Location: Tome, Latvia
Burbot Research at Aqua-ERF (opens in a new window)Visit InnoAquaTech, Location: Zele
Effect of temperature and different spawning agents on reproduction success of burbot in captivity (opens in a new window)Aquaculture Europe 2019, Date: 2019/10/08 - 2019/10/10, Location: Berlin
Effect of early weaning and co-feeding in burbot larvicluture (opens in a new window)The 18h International Conference ”LIFE SCIENCES FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT”, Date: 2019/09/26 - 2019/09/28, Location: CLuj-Napoca
Burbot: conserving the enigmatic freshwater codfish (opens in a new window)Burbot: conserving the enigmatic freshwater codfish; 2021Claeyé, Joachim; Auwerx, Johan; Wocher, Hendrik5M Books Ltd; United Kingdom