Who is who
Jos Sterckx
Senior researcher en projectontwikkeling
Main workplace
Campus Schaarbeek
Huart Hamoirlaan 136
1030 Brussel (Schaarbeek)
1030 Brussel (Schaarbeek)
Contact details
- jos.sterckx@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Medewerker Kenniscentrum Gezinswetenschappen
- Lid Onderwijsteam Sociaal Werk - Campus Brussel
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Onderzoeksgroep Sociaal-Agogisch Werk
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Vermarkting en disruptie in het sociale domein (opens in a new window)Vermarkting en disruptie in het sociale domein, Date: 2020/11/20 - 2020/11/20, Location: On line
Project develpment workshop: the importance of European funding in social matters (opens in a new window)Project Development Workshop, Date: 2020/02/19 - 2020/02/20, Location: Kind&Gezin Academy, Brussels
Client centered funding and public procurement: disruption in the social field (opens in a new window)EURECO 2020 FORUM, Date: 2020/03/05 - 2020/03/05, Location: Brussels