Who is who
Kim Lecoyer
Main workplace
Campus Schaarbeek
Huart Hamoirlaan 136
1030 Brussel (Schaarbeek)
1030 Brussel (Schaarbeek)
Contact details
- kim.lecoyer@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Medewerker Kenniscentrum Gezinswetenschappen
- Lid Onderwijsteam Gezinswetenschappen - Campus Schaarbeek
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep Onderzoeksgroep Sociaal-Agogisch Werk
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
Marriage conclusion in Belgian Muslim families: navigating transnational social spaces of normativity (opens in a new window)Migration Letters; 2017; Vol. 14; iss. 1; pp. 11 - 24
La famille multiculturelle en conflit. Regards croisés sur l’hébergement des enfants (opens in a new window)Tijdschrift voor Jeugd en Kinderrechten ; 2015; Vol. 3; pp. 247 - 264
Belgian Muslim Women Navigating through Transnational Social Spaces with regard to Marriage Conclusion (opens in a new window)Migration Letters ; 2017; Vol. 14; iss. 1; pp. 11 - 24
Internormative Family Conflict “Mediation” within Belgian Muslim Families (opens in a new window)Revue Interdisciplinaire d'Études Juridiques; 2020; Vol. 84; iss. 2020/1; pp. 149 - 177
The multicultural family in conflict: legal and socio-anthropological perspectives on child residency (opens in a new window)Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law ; 2015; Vol. 47; iss. 2; pp. 190 - 207
Vorming Moslimgezinnen ondersteunen - Dag 3 (opens in a new window)Taspinar, Birsen; Mohamed, Ben Haddou
'Voor moslims is seksualiteit een gunst van God' (opens in a new window)MagaZijn. Dossier Zin in/en seks.; 2018; iss. https://magazijn.valuesmagazine.be/nl/voor-moslims-seksualiteit-een-gunst-van-god
Islam en NIPT: Hoe denken moslims over zwangerschap, prenatale testen en abortus? (opens in a new window)MagaZijn. Dossier de NIP-test.; 2018
Cultuur-en levensbeschouwingssensitief gezinnen ondersteunen: Ervaringen uit onderzoek met moslimgezinnen (opens in a new window)Samen Groeien Festival, Location: Online
A study of internormative legal consciousness in Belgian Muslim families (opens in a new window)Discourse analysis in an interdisciplinary context. Theory and methods., Date: 2016/06/13 - 2016/06/15, Location: Ghent University
Omgaan met islam of omgaan met moslims? (opens in a new window)bijscholing “Islamitische visies op relaties en opvoeding", Location: Gent: Vormingscentrum Guislain - Hoger Instituut Gezinswetenschappen Odisee
Opvoedingsidealen in moslimgezinnen (opens in a new window)bijscholing “Islamitische visies op relaties en opvoeding”, Location: Gent: Vormingscentrum Guislain - Hoger Instituut Gezinswetenschappen Odisee
Religion-sensitive parenting and family support to Belgian Muslim families: Can faith-based organizations bridge the gap between offer and demand? (opens in a new window)The Impact of Religion. Challenges for Society, Law and Democracy, Date: 2018/04/24 - 2018/04/26, Location: Uppsala University, Sweden
Insiders’ Perspectives on Muslim Divorce in Belgium: A Women’s Rights Analysis (opens in a new window)MARICAP-conference 'Marital Captivity: Divorce, Religion and Human Rights, Date: 2016/11/24 - 2016/11/25, Location: Maastricht
When religion meets family law. The role of Islamic norms and ethics in the protection Belgian Muslim women’s fundamental rights within the family (opens in a new window)Islamic ethics & living in ethnic and cultural diversity, Date: 2023/06/21 - 2023/06/21, Location: Gent
Family conflict resolution and mediation in a context of cultural and religious diversity (opens in a new window)Refugee children and families in Europe: social work and counseling. International undergraduate summer school, Date: 2018/06/25 - 2018/07/06, Location: Brussels: HIG/Odisee
Muslims and Mediation: Diversity, Practice and Contemporary Challenges (opens in a new window)Muslims and Mediation: Diversity, Practice and Contemporary Challenges, Location: Online
Verbindend werken met diverse gezinnen: online studienamiddag (opens in a new window)Verbindend werken met diverse gezinnen: online studienamiddag, Location: Campus Schaarbeek, Kenniscentrum Gezinswetenschappen
Understanding marital captivity (opens in a new window)Finding solutions for marital captivity, Date: 2022/07/01 - 2022/07/01, Location: Webinar (online)
Gender en islam (opens in a new window)bijscholing “Islamitische visies op relaties en opvoeding”, Location: Gent: Vormingscentrum Guislain - Hoger Instituut Gezinswetenschappen Odisee
Slotreflecties - De samenwerking tussen welzijnssector en zelforganisaties etnisch-culturele minderheden (opens in a new window)De samenwerking tussen welzijnssector en zelforganisaties etnisch-culturele minderheden, Location: Brussel Odisee
In goede en slechte tijden: Hoe Belgische moslimvrouwen omgaan met islamrecht in hun gezinsleven (opens in a new window)40ste RIMO Symposium, Location: Leiden
Comment penser les relations entre musulmans et non - musulmans? Entre conflits, tensions et actions positives (opens in a new window)SUMMER SCHOOL CISMOC, Date: 2016/08/22 - 2016/08/27
Family justice, mediation and conciliation processes: The many faces of family dispute resolution in Belgian Muslim families (opens in a new window)Mediation and Conciliation, Date: 2016/10/06 - 2016/10/08, Location: Rabat, Morocco
De rol van gender, cultuur en levensbeschouwing in gezinsondersteuning aan moslims (opens in a new window)Huizen van het Kind: Samen verder bouwen - 11de EXPOOcongres, Date: 2018/12/04 - 2018/12/04, Location: Brussel
Racisme-ervaringen van ouders en kinderen: een uitdaging voor gezinsondersteuning (opens in a new window)Studiedag: “Mama, ik wil niet meer bruin zijn”. Racisme: over wonden en veerkracht, Date: 2019/03/19 - 2019/03/19, Location: Odisee Campus Schaarbeek
Insiders’ Perspectives on Muslim Divorce in Belgium: A Women’s Rights Analysis (opens in a new window)Human Rights Encounter Legal Pluralism; 2017; pp. 175 - 202Brems, Eva; Corradi, Giselle; Goodale, MarkHart Publishing; OxfordISBN: 978-1-84946-761-2
Protecting Women against Marital Captivity – An Analysis of Insiders’ Perspectives on Muslim Divorce in Belgium (opens in a new window)Marital Captivity: Divorce, Religion and Human Rights; 2019; pp. 93 - 135Rutten, Susan; Deogratias, Benedicta; Kruiniger, PaulineEleven International Publishing
Een intersectionele kijk op familiale geschillen in Belgische moslimgezinnen. Welke implicaties voor een emancipatorisch gezinsbeleid? (opens in a new window)Het gezin in Vlaanderen 2.0. Over het eigene van gezinnen en gezinsbeleid ; 2017; pp. 197 - 215Luyten, Dirk; Van Crombrugge, Hans; Emmery, KathleenGarant; Antwerpen/ApeldoornISBN: 9789044135237
The Belgian 'Burqa ban' confronted with insider realities (opens in a new window)The Experiences of Face VeilWearers in Europe and the Law ; 2014; pp. 77 - 114Cambridge University Press; CambridgeISBN: 978-1-107-05830-9DOI: 10.1017/CBO9781107415591.005SCOPUSID: 2-s2.0-84933534593
Verbindend werken met gezinnen in een migratiecontext (opens in a new window)Gezinnen na migratie. Hulpverlening en gezinsbeleid in een superdiverse samenleving; 2022; Vol. 8; pp. 171 - 188Lecoyer, Kim; Oizaz, Samira; Geldof, Dirk; Van Acker, Kaat; Loosveldt, Gianni; Emmery, KaatGarant; Antwerpen-ApeldoornISBN: 978-90--441--3880-1
De gezinsreflex als leidraad voor beleid en praktijk (opens in a new window)In verband met gezinnen. Het gezinsperspectief in beleid en praktijk; 2020; Vol. 6; pp. 269 - 292Garant; Antwerpen - ApeldoornISBN: 978-90-441-3757-6
Belgian Muslim Women’s Rights in Family Life and Conflict: A Socio-Legal Inquiry (opens in a new window)Brems, Eva; Corradi, Giselle
Protecting Women against Marital Captivity: An Analysis of Insiders’ Perspectives on Muslim Divorce in Belgium (opens in a new window)Marital Captivity: Divorce, Religion and Human Rights; 2019MARICAP, Date: 2016/11/24 - 2016/11/25, Location: Maastricht
In gesprek geraakt. Handboek voor hulpverleners: van basis tot verdieping (opens in a new window)Owl PressISBN: 9789072201447