Who is who
Rutger De Wilde
Main workplace
Technologiecampus Gent
Gebroeders de Smetstraat 1
9000 Gent
9000 Gent
Contact details
- rutger.dewilde@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Lid onderwijsteam Elektronica-ICT - Technologiecampus Gent
- Lid kernteam Elektronica-ICT - Technologiecampus Gent
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep (Bio)Technologie
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
How to Desing a Digital Application for People with Young Onset Dementia (opens in a new window)International conference on young onset dementia, Date: 2024/09/18 - 2024/09/19, Location: Odisee University of Applied Sciences Campus Brussels
user experience in production environment (opens in a new window)Etion Production Corner, Location: Ghent
Advanced user testing with biometric sensors (opens in a new window)HCI International 2022 Conference, Location: Online
User experience in production environments (opens in a new window)Etion - Production corner, Location: Ghent
Research about (UX) Research (opens in a new window)UX-Ghent - Research Edition, Date: 2024/04/25 - 2024/04/25, Location: Technologiecampus Gent - Odisee
Inclusive employment through digital work instructions (opens in a new window)1st Occupational therapy Europe Congress, Date: 2024/10/14 - 2024/10/19, Location: Krakow
Testing UX in digital applications (opens in a new window)Etion Sales Corner, Location: Ghent
The User Experience Lab explained (opens in a new window)Syntra - UX course, Location: Antwerp
Ontwerpen van een gebruiksvriendelijke digitale applicatie (opens in a new window)INPUT/OUTPUT Research & Innovation Training Programme, Location: online
TETRA Digitale Werkinstructies (opens in a new window)Slotevent TETRA Digitale Werkinstructies, Location: Odisee Gent