Who is who
Sarah Depauw
Main workplace
Campus Sint-Niklaas
Hospitaalstraat 23
9100 Sint-Niklaas
9100 Sint-Niklaas
Contact details
- sarah.depauw@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Lid onderwijsteam Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid kernteam Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
- Lid Onderzoeksgroep (Bio)Technologie
- Ankerpersoon Internationalisering Agro- en biotechnologie - Campus Sint-Niklaas
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
SERUM PROTEIN CAPILLARY ELECTROPHORESIS AND MEASUREMENT OF ACUTE PHASE PROTEINS IN A CAPTIVE CHEETAH (< /i>ACINONYX JUBATUS< //i>) POPULATION (opens in a new window)Journal Of Zoo And Wildlife Medicine; 2014; Vol. 45; iss. 3; pp. 497 - 506
Incubation of selected fermentable fibres with feline faecal inoculum: correlations between < /i>in vitro< //i> fermentation characteristics and end products (opens in a new window)Archives Of Animal Nutrition; 2013; Vol. 67; iss. 5; pp. 416 - 431
Animal fibre: The forgotten nutrient in strict carnivores? First insights in the cheetah (opens in a new window)Journal Of Animal Physiology And Animal Nutrition; 2013; Vol. 97; iss. 1; pp. 146 - 154
Fermentation of animal components in strict carnivores: A comparative study with cheetah fecal inoculum (opens in a new window)Journal Of Animal Science; 2012; Vol. 90; iss. 8; pp. 2540 - 2548
Nieuw dieet voor Giraffen bij ZOO Antwerpen en ZOO Planckendael (opens in a new window)De Harpij; 2022; Vol. 2022; iss. Feb
Effect of diet type on serum and faecal concentration of S100/calgranulins in the captive cheetah (opens in a new window)Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research; 2014; Vol. 2; iss. 2; pp. 33 - 38
Flexibilité alimentaire de bonobos en parc zoologique : consommation opportuniste d’espèces végétales autochtones et complément nutritionnel (opens in a new window)Revue de Primatologie; 2024; Vol. 2024; iss. 15
Blood values of adult captive cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) fed either supplemented beef or whole rabbit carcasses (opens in a new window)Zoo Biology ; 2012; Vol. 31; iss. 6; pp. 629 - 641
Feeding management of giraffe towards positive welfare (opens in a new window)Journal for Zoo and Aquarium Research; 2023; Vol. 11; iss. 4; pp. 400 - 413
Management in Zoos and Aquariums - Feeding (opens in a new window)EAZA Best Practice Guidelines (Acinonyx jubatus); 2018; pp. 21 - 29Sengenberger, Kimberly; Bus, Hilke; Versteege, LarsEuropean Association of zoos and aquaria; The Netherlands
Nutritional Considerations for Captive Cheetahs (opens in a new window)Cheetah: Biology and Conservation ; 2017; pp. 100 - 150Marker, Laurie; Boast, Lorraine K; Schmidt-KĂĽntzel, AnneAcademic PressISBN: 9780128040881
Browse preference in bonobos (opens in a new window)Bonobo Research Network – Workshop, Location: Darwin Hall | ZOO Antwerpen
Browse preference in bonobos (opens in a new window)Zoo Research symposium, Date: 2017/11/16 - 2017/11/16, Location: Antwerp Zoo
Browse preference in bonobos (opens in a new window)10th European Zoo Nutrition Conference, Location: Marwell Zoo
Matching biological information with feeding strategies towards positive welfare (opens in a new window)EAZA Academy Course, Location: Riga
Great apes: feeding their brains (opens in a new window)EAZA ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Location: Helsinki
When Feeding is not just about nutrients (opens in a new window)CRC ZOO RESEARCH SYMPOSIUM, Date: 2001/12/15 - 2001/12/15, Location: ZOO Antwerpen
Supportive feeding in aging great apes: yes or no? (opens in a new window)European Zoo Nutrition Conference, Location: Apenheul
Nutrition Plenary - EAZA Annual Conference 2024 (opens in a new window)EAZA Annual Conference 2024, Location: Leipzig
Voerverrijking en winterbrowse bij de bongo en gorilla: smaakt naar meer! (opens in a new window)Zoo Science Session, Date: 2019/09/10 - 2019/09/10, Location: Muizen
Willow Silage Techniques: Preference in Gorillas and Bongos (opens in a new window)EAZA 2019, Date: 2019/09/19 - 2019/09/19, Location: Valencia
Zoo Intervision day: Zoo Nutrition and welfare (opens in a new window)Odisee Intervisiedag voor Dierentuinen “Inspiration for Welfare”, Date: 2019/10/23, Location: Odisee Campus Waas
Great apes: Feeding their brains (opens in a new window)ZOO Research Symposium 2023, Location: Antwerp Zoo
Seasonal impact of native vegetation in outdoor enclosure on bonobo welfare (opens in a new window)European Zoo Nutrition Conference, Location: Apenheul
'How to Create Positive Affective States for Great Apes' (opens in a new window)BIAZA & ABWAK Great Ape Welfare Workshop, Date: 2023/11/06 - 2023/11/07, Location: Chesstington Zoo, Chessington (UK)
From healthy to happy bonobos: Using a new tool to assess new feeding strategies for positive welfare in zoo-housed bonobos (opens in a new window)25th BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/09/05, Location: Dudley Zoo, UK
Nutrient composition of diets consumed by wild European brown bears (Ursus arctos arctos): Insights for optimising current feeding strategies for captive bears (opens in a new window)10th European Zoo Nutrition Conference, Location: Marwell Zoo
Nutrient composition of diets consumed by wild european brown bears (ursus arctos arctos) (opens in a new window)Advancing Bear Care conference, Location: Mercure Hotel, Livingston, Scotland
Feeding managements towards positive welfare in giraffes (opens in a new window)BIAZA Giraffe care workshop, Location: Bristol
Supporting Sanctuaries: The impact of an imperfect yet improved diet on chimpanzee welfare (opens in a new window)European Zoo Nutrition Conference, Location: Apenheul
Welfare impact of new diet in captive chimpanzees: changes in behaviour, microbiome and blood parameters linked with obesity, prediabetes and cardiovascular disease (opens in a new window)10TH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN FEDERATION FOR PRIMATOLOGY, Location: Lausanne
Browse silage: winterfood in the zoo (opens in a new window)CRC Symposium 2017, Location: Darwin Hall Zoo Antwerp
Moving forward to indicators of positive animal welfare when evaluating nutritional changes: an example in giraffes (opens in a new window)15th Annual ZOO Research Symposium, Date: 2022/12/07 - 2022/12/07, Location: ZOO Antwerpen
Using indicators of positive animal welfare when evaluating nutritional changes in giraffes (opens in a new window)European Zoo Nutrition Conference 2023, Location: Riga
24/7 behaviour and welfare of giraffes (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2021/07/13 - 2021/07/14, Location: Online
The happiness of chimpanzees: great apes and modern welfare science (opens in a new window)European Federation for Primatology Meeting, Date: 2022/06/01 - 2022/06/03, Location: Burgers' Zoo, Arnhem, the Netherlands
Welfare of dogs housed on concrete versus mesh floor with plastic coating in a commercial breeding facility (opens in a new window)ISAE Benelux conference, Date: 2016/10/13 - 2016/10/13, Location: Berlicum, The Netherlands
Domains of welfare in zoo-housed bonobos (opens in a new window)25th BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/09/05, Location: Dudley Zoo, UK
Monitoring the welfare of giraffes in two Belgian zoos (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Date: 2021/07/13 - 2021/07/14, Location: online
Assessing Welfare Standards in Zoo-housed Populations of Bonobos: A Comparative Study of Housing, Nutrition, Veterinary Care, and Behavior in European and North American Zoos (opens in a new window)IPS-MPS Joint Meeting 2023, Date: 2023/08/20 - 2023/08/24, Location: Kuching, Malaysia
Domains of welfare in zoo-housed bonobos (opens in a new window)25th Annual BIAZA Research Conference, Date: 2023/07/03 - 2023/07/05, Location: Dudley Zoo (UK)
Welfare assessment design for great apes and nutrition: a challenge (opens in a new window)European Federation for Primatology meeting, Date: 2022/06/01 - 2022/06/03, Location: Burgers' Zoo Arnhem, the Netherlands
Applied ethology and its relevance to zoo animal husbandry (opens in a new window)Zoo Research Symposium of the Antwerp Zoo Centre for Research and Conservation, Date: 2017/11/16 - 2017/11/16, Location: Antwerp, Belgium
Enrichment of gorillas with ensiled willow: tastes for more (opens in a new window)BIAZA Research Symposium, Location: online
Welfare in the Zoo - The role of nutrition (opens in a new window)Summer School Dierenwelzijn, Date: 2024/09/11 - 2024/09/15, Location: Faculty of Veterinary Medicine — Ghent University
Bonobo Husbandry Survey: what and how are we feeding in captivity (opens in a new window)2nd INTERNATIONAL BONOBO KEEPER WORKSHOP, Date: 2022/10/12 - 2022/10/14, Location: Zoo Planckendael
Een nog beter dieet voor de beren (opens in a new window)De Berekrant ; 2018; pp. 5 - 5
Preliminary data on metabolic profile of okapis with glucosuria (opens in a new window)9th European Zoo Nutrition Conference Abstract Book ; 2017; pp. 19 - 19European Zoo Nutrition Conference, Date: 2017/01/26 - 2017/01/29, Location: Liberec, Czech Republic
Willow silage: what works and what doesn’t? (opens in a new window)Proceedings of the 10th European Zoo Nutrition Conference; 2019; pp. 30 - 30The 10th European Zoo Nutrition Conference, Location: Marwell Zoo