Who is who
Tinneke Timmermans
Diensthoofd Onderzoek en Internationalisering
Main workplace
Campus Brussel
Warmoesberg 26
1000 Brussel
1000 Brussel
Contact details
- tinneke.timmermans@odisee.be
Roles and functions
- Diensthoofd Dienst Internationalisering - International Relations Office (DIRO)
- Medewerker Dienst Onderzoek en Projectbeheer (DOP)
- Diensthoofd Dienst Onderzoek en Internationalisering
Publications - results
This information is based on the Lirias data. For more information go to lirias (opens in a new window)
“Individual differences in the link between core affect and situational characteristics” (opens in a new window)International Society for Research on Emotions, Date: 2005/06/11 - 2005/06/15, Location: Bari (Italy)
The dynamics of core affect:Individual differences in the link between core affect variability and situational characteristics (opens in a new window)Consortium of European Research on Emotion (CERE), Date: 2006/05/18 - 2006/05/20, Location: Louvain-La-Neuve
Individual differences in interpersonal complementarity (opens in a new window)SPSP, Date: 2010/01/28 - 2010/01/30, Location: Las Vegas
The relationship between individual differences in core affect and interpersonal behavior across time (opens in a new window)SPSP, Date: 2009/02/04 - 2009/02/06, Location: Tampa, USA
The relationship between individual differences in trajectories in a core affect and an interpersonal space (opens in a new window)ISRE, Date: 2006/08/06 - 2006/08/10, Location: Atlanta (USA)
Is there a connection between individual differences in trajectories in a core affect and an interpersonal space? (opens in a new window)Emotions and individual differences, Date: 2007/01/31 - 2007/01/06, Location: Leuven (Belgium)
Is there a connection between individual differences in trajectories in a core affect and an interpersonal space? (opens in a new window)Emotions, Date: 2007/10/22 - 2007/10/24, Location: Tilburg (The Netherlands)
Individual differences in core affect reactivity (opens in a new window)Personality and Individual Differences ; 2009; Vol. 47; iss. 5; pp. 510 - 515
Does extrinsic goal framing enhance extrinsic goal-oriented individuals' learning and performance? An experimental test of the match perspective versus self-determination theory (opens in a new window)Journal of educational psychology ; 2008; Vol. 100; iss. 2; pp. 387 - 397
The relationship between individual differences in intraindividual variability in core affect and interpersonal behaviour (opens in a new window)European Journal of Personality ; 2010; Vol. 24; iss. 8; pp. 623 - 638
Individual differences in core affect variability and their relationship to personality and psychological adjustment (opens in a new window)Emotion ; 2007; Vol. 7; iss. 2; pp. 262 - 274