Proctorio - privacy statement

Latest version: 18 December 2020

Version history: version 1.0

This is the privacy statement of:

Odisee vzw

Warmoesberg 26

1000 Brussels

CBE number: 0408.429.584

This privacy declaration only relates to the 'Proctorio' application.

2 studenten met laptop


  • How does student identification occur when proctoring an online written exam?
  • What data is processed when proctoring an online written exam?
  • For what purpose do we process your personal data?
  • What is the legal basis of the processing?
  • What digital limitations are always present in the use of proctoring within Odisee?
  • Which digital restrictions can be set by the Odisee lecturer in case of an online written exam with proctoring?
  • Who judges fraud?
  • Who has access to my personal data?
  • Will my personal data be shared with third parties?
  • How long is my personal data stored in the proctoring tool?
  • How can I contact Odisee if I have a question about proctoring and privacy?

How is student identification done in an online written exam with proctoring?

After the exam your identity can be checked on the basis of the recordings of your face on the one hand and the photo on your student card or identity card on the other.

This identification is done by the teacher involved, not by the proctoring software. After all, this software does not recognise faces, nor identification via keystrokes, audio recognition or eye tracking.

What data is processed when proctoring an online written exam?

  • first name and surname
  • e-mail address
  • picture of your student card or identity card
  • your photo taken using the webcam of your PC
  • video and audio recordings of the room you are in while taking the exam, in so far as a room scan is required
  • picture recording of what is visible on your computer screen by means of screenshots
  • use of keyboard and mouse
  • video recording of you, i.e. the student taking the exam
  • IP address of the computer network to which your PC is connected
  • the web pages you visit during the exam
  • activities within Google Chrome
  • your answers to the exam questions.

The proctoring will only take place during the course of the exam.

For what purposes do we process your personal data?

Your personal data will only be used for the following purposes

  1. Identification: the teacher checks whether you took the exam you registered for based on the recordings.
  2. Anti-fraud: after taking the exam, we can check if you complied with the rules and did not use any unauthorized aids such as cheat sheets, chats, the internet or aids not allowed by the instructor.
  3. Time frame check: it will be checked whether you took the exam within the predetermined time limit.

What is the legal basis of the processing?

We process your personal data on the basis of a task of general interest of the university college, namely the provision of quality higher education and the awarding of a diploma based on examinations which you as a student have successfully completed without the use of unauthorised methods or aids. It is therefore necessary that the university college in the case of online remote examinations

  • verify who the person is who is taking the exam
  • can, in case of doubt, check whether fraud was committed during the examination
  • can establish that the exam was taken within the set time frame.

When taking an exam on the campus of the university college, the same objectives are pursued but then through physical supervision.

Which digital limitations are always present in the use of proctoring within Odisee?

  • Impossibility of using virtual machines
  • Impossibility of using multiple computer screens

Which digital limitations can be set by the Odisee lecturer in case of an online written exam with proctoring?

  • Obligatory closing of open tabs in the browser
  • Impossibility to open new tabs in the browser
  • Impossibility to use the clipboard
  • Impossibility to use right click
  • Impossibility to download files
  • Deletion of temporary internet files saved during the exam

Who judges fraud?

Proctorio collects images (webcam, microphone, monitor) and generates a gradebook based on the options set. None of the indications that Proctorio gives is a proof of fraud. These indications only indicate which moments in the recording are best viewed by the teacher. Proctorio itself will never be able to label something as fraud.

After the exam the professor can review the recordings of your exam. If the professor suspects fraud, he or she will contact the ombuds. The ombudsperson will invite you for an interview. During this interview you will be asked to give your version of events.

Who has access to my personal data?

The data can only be consulted by the teacher(s) involved and possibly by the following persons: the ICTO employee(s) involved, the STUVO+ employee(s) involved and the members of the examination board or the internal appeals committee.

Is my personal data shared with third parties?

The personal data collected during online proctoring are stored on a secure server of the company providing the online proctoring tool. This secure server is located within the EU. The company uses double encryption to encrypt personal data during transmission and in storage with end-to-end protection. It is also important to note that the company itself does not have access to your data.

How long will my personal data be kept in the proctoring tool?

This data will be kept for one year, starting from the taking of the exam.

How can I contact the college if I have a question about proctoring and privacy?

If you have any questions about this, you can send an e-mail to Odisee's Data Protection Officer at