NeoParent 2.0. - The family in the spotlight in neonatology

Research Project

NeoParent 2.0

With NeoParent 2.0, we are extending the previously developed NeoParent app to support parents with a baby in neonatology to the wider family.

Indeed, in addition to the support the app now provides during the hospital stay, a need for a broader context emerged.



When a baby is born premature or has an inferior start after birth, admission to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NIC) is necessary. Sometimes the admission is planned, but often it is acute/unanticipated and an emotional, difficult period begins for parents. NIC units view parents as primary caregivers and value their active involvement in the baby's care. Involving parents allows them to build rapport with their child, which results in the baby feeling safe, reduces stress and favors growth and development.

Currently, the NeoParent app is being developed to support parents during their baby's stay, aiming to personalize information, optimize communication between all involved and encourage parental participation. A pilot study in the fall will test the app to identify technical bugs, monitor its use and evaluate it with parents/caregivers.

Although this initial prototype focuses on important aspects such as information, communication and parent participation, additional needs were raised by practitioners and parents, namely attention to the extended family (siblings, grandparents) and continuity of care after discharge. Furthermore, it became clear that it is necessary to map the effectiveness of the NeoParent app and the win-win for parents (in terms of attachment, well-being and comfort, etc.). In addition, it is necessary to further optimize and valorize this first prototype before the app can become part of standard care offerings.


This project focuses on three themes:

  1. Involvement and needs/experiences of siblings ("bruses").
  2. Information needs of parents after discharge (home or transfer to a peripheral hospital)
  3. Valorization and effectiveness of the NeoParent app.

This follow-up project focuses on the broader family context and specific information needs of parents after discharge. Through a unique approach of co-creation with various actors, we aim to provide the necessary tools/educational materials to practitioners in order to optimize the quality/continuity of care for the wider family upon NIC admission. The focus on the effectiveness and valorization of the NeoParent app in combination with the new knowledge/insights should enable the further optimization, roll-out and sustainable implementation of the NeoParent app, so that the NeoParent app can eventually become the reference app for neonatology in Flanders.

NeoParent 2.0 - The family in the spotlight in neonatology

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