This project aims to detect and map good evidence based practices in terms of dementia care and detect the needs of (community dwelling) frail older adults and professional caregivers and students within good practice care for people with (young onset) dementia.
These good practices are based on four steps as described in the evidence based method for stepped care:
- Basic approach: presence, empathy, respect,
- Personalized daily activities,
- Emotion oriented care and
- (non)pharmacological treatment.
Based on a performed gap analysis, an open access e-learning will be developed for professionals and students with the aim to train and increase the competences of current professional caregivers within the field of dementia.

Erasmus+ EU

Sharing And Caring for at-Risk Elderly with Dementia or Disabilities (SACRED)
This project contains several activities:
- Performing a literature review on good evidence based practices of stepped care in (young onset) dementia care for frail (community-dwelling) older adults
- Conduct a needs assessment in frail (community-dwelling) older adults, students and professional caregivers in terms of support for stepped care
- Explore caviats in between good practices and current care for frail (community-dwelling) older adults by mean of a gap analysis
- Identify the specific training and support needs of students and professionals who serve frail (community-dwelling) older adults with (young onset) dementia or disabilities by means of co-creation
- The development of a comprehensive, accessible E-Learning Platform and a Database of Evidence Based interventions and 20 Good Practices tailored to the needs of healthcare students and professionals
- The implementation and testing of the E-Learning Platform across six diverse European regions, evaluating its effectiveness and scalability
- Raising awareness and understanding of dementia or different forms of disabilities by providing well-informed resources that cater to the needs of students, professionals and older adults

The Netherlands
- City of Rotterdam
- Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences
- AFEdemy
- AlteraVita
- University of Valencia
- Caballero R. Psychotherapia