Student Residence in Ghent
Kot @ Ghent
Students looking for a flat on the private market should check You can consult the database and search for a room that meets your requirements. The search engine will help you find the available rooms for the next academic year.
On this site you will also find all the information about renting a room in Ghent, your rights and duties as a tenant, tips and tricks, a model lease contract, ...
Sublet your room?
Are you going abroad on exchange or starting your internship and no longer need your room? Offer your room at!
Looking for a room for one semester?
Students who want to sublet their room for one semester offer this through Kotatgent's "kotenfinder". Take a look at this website regularly and search the database under 'contract duration' for the rooms with 'other contract duration'.
Need more info?
Bie Van De Casteele & Lisa Gyselinck
Office A004
+32 9 2365 86 10