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Research centres

By working together in a research centre, we join forces. We forge and strengthen partnerships. We share expertise, experience and manpower. A research centre thus brings together all researchers who focus on one particular research theme or spearhead.

Our services

Work together with our researchers

Does your company, organisation or school have an innovation question and are you curious whether customised research is something for you?

Research by topic

Research at Odisee is aimed at finding concrete solutions to current problems in the field, related to Odisee courses.

Cross fertilisation between research and education

The projects always have a link with one or more Odisee courses. We strive for an optimal involvement of our teachers and students in research and service.


We strive for research that is relevant to the field and/or society. We often carry out research in cooperation with various partners from the field and the scientific world.


Research is important to Odisee. Our focus is strongly practice-oriented, innovative and sustainable.

Our actions in response to the situation in Ukraine

We are all shocked by the fierce war in Ukraine. Our thoughts go out to the millions of families who have to live in fear, insecurity and are increasingly on the run. The Odisee community feels connected to all the students and their families. In our higher education community, we work with and for students and the development of their learning opportunities, regardless of their origin or nationality. 

Meanwhile, Odisee already undertook a number of actions:

  • Our students from Ukraine received a message of solidarity. We warmly recommended them to make use of our STUVO services if needed.
  • Naturally, we monitored the situation of our students and staff working for us in the Ukraine-Russia region and supported their return home.
  • In close consultation, we screened planned outgoing mobilities in the wide region around Ukraine and unfortunately we were forced to cancel some of them due to the very fast evolving situation.
  • We also support the request to our authorities not to impose sanctions on students from Russia in Flanders and Brussels, such as withdrawing their visas. Now more than ever, we must allow students to continue their studies in a safe and democratic environment.

Concrete solidarity actions for victims

Odisee Goes Abroad

Are you thinking about going on a study or traineeship mobility?

On this page you will find more specific information on destinations, traineeships, study partners, grant opportunities and how to apply for an exchange during or shortly after graduation. 

Every programme has its own study and traineeship partners. For specific questions about the partners, please contact the departmental coordinator internationalisation of your programme. 

Not sure who your departmental coordinator internationalisation is? 

A useful overview of the departmental coordinator per programme can be found below. Feel free to contact them for more information or help.