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Agro- and Biotechnology

Foreign students who are interested in Agro- and Biotechnology are more than welcome to join our trainee programme. Opt for your particular interests in one of our study programmes of Agrotechnology,  Animal Care, Agriculture or Green Management.  

You can choose between two types of traineeships: a traineeship of 30 days or one of 55 days. Both traineeships are done at one of the college's partners in the workfield: a company, institution or organisation in the field of agro- and biotechnology. The selection of the receiving organisation is made in consultation with the incoming student, the school and the partner. Evaluation of both traineeships is done by a comprehensive system of reports and oral evaluations.  

You can also opt to write a bachelor's thesis at Odisee. 

Activate accounts for Staff

You will receive an e-mail message for activating your Odisee account.  That email message will contain your account name and your temporary password.

Now follow the steps below to activate your account.

Activate accounts

Here you will find information on how to activate your accounts before you start your postgraduate course or  training.

This applies when you are enrolled in a programme at Odisee Advanced Education (OAE), EHSAL Management School (EMS), Fiscal College (FHS) or the Prevention & Environment Academy (PMA).

Odisee, University of applied Sciences

Odisee is a University of Applied Sciences consisting of 6 campuses in Aalst, Brussels, Dilbeek, Schaerbeek, Ghent and Sint-Niklaas. These are dynamic centres of education, research and social services, located in the heart of Belgium. It is one of the largest universities of applied sciences of Flanders. Odisee offers a team- based education with a personal approach. Our experience gives you the knowledge, skills and confidence for your further career. We offer you the opportunity to broaden your horizon by meeting new people from all over the world. Your study will become a new challenge where science meets the art of education. Odisee is part of the KU Leuven Association, i.e. a network of five universities of applied sciences and one university, offering an impressive network of national partners with more than 80,000 students in 23 cities and municipalities.

Laptop system requirements

I already have a laptop...

I am going to buy a laptop...

but I want to know if it's suitable for my programme. Yes, we can help: check below whether your laptop meets the system requirements.

BasicAdvancedPro *

Ryzen 3 (4th generation)

or Intel i3 (9th generation)

Ryzen 3 (4th generation)

or Intel i3 (9th generation)

Ryzen 5 (4th generation)

or Intel i5 (9th generation)


13 à 15 inch

13 à 15 inch15 inch

Preferably a wireless network card that supports 802.11 ac. We do not recommend using a laptop with only b/g/n WIFI standard any more.

The laptop must be equipped with a webcam.

* For the programme with 'Pro+' (see below), we recommend a Ryzen 7 or Intel i7 and a dedicated graphics card.