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In this study programme students can opt for a research project in the field of food chemistry, instrumental analytical chemistry, biochemistry and biotechnology or environmental sciences.

The following research competences are trained and evaluated: practical laboratory work, teamwork, written and/or oral scientific communication, and critical thinking.

Eye Care

The study programme of Eye Care will train you to become either an optometrist or an orthopaedist, both specialist of the visual system.

Do you like helping people and do you have a particular interest in the visual system? Then read on! The bachelor programme of Eye Care at Odisee, University of Applied Sciences is a unique programme in Flanders, and as such the only place to study optometry or orthoptics.

Occupational Therapy

The Erasmus Study of Occupational Therapy offers traineeships in two different domains, combined with several optional courses. Practical skills will be trained in clinical departments, applying the theoretical knowledge from an evidence-based framework. You can also train your research skills, language skills, or technological knowledge by choosing one of the study courses.

Nutrition and Dietetics

In the Nutrition and Dietetics programme you become an accomplished dietician and nutrition expert. You will learn everything about healthy and balanced food for different demographic groups of today's society. The acquired knowledge can be used to provide nutritional advice adapted to the client and to explain the relationship between diet and health, based on the Belgian food dietary guidelines.

With this degree you can start your career as a clinical or administrative dietician (in different catering environments) or as a nutritional expert in a preventive healthcare setting. Another future possibility is working in the food industry as a quality controller. In short: you are of indispensable value in hospitals and nursing homes, but most of all you are indispensable for your clients!


The Midwifery department of Odisee, University of applied sciences is in Sint-Niklaas. Students interested in a traineeship in Belgium perform 38 hours a week and can carry out their practical training in a regional hospital on the following wards: labour and delivery, maternity, neonatology.

We offer short and long mobility options, which can be combined up to a maximum of 22 ECTS:

There is a possibility to follow an additional course on Medical English (3 ECTS) or a Dutch language course (3 ECTS). 

Traineeships are possible in both Autumn and Spring semester, depending on the available places for practical training in the hospital. Evaluation of the practical training is done by a comprehensive system of reflections, feedback from midwives and written/oral evaluations. The practical training is supervised by one of the lecturers of our Midwifery department.

Students must perform different kind of shifts (early, day, late and night shifts), including weekends and public holidays. A detailed planning will be provided by our practical training coordinator a few weeks before the start of the traineeship.

For more information including available places for an internship in Midwifery, please contact the international coordinator, Mrs. Inge Tency.

Medical Imaging, Radiotherapy and Radiography

Ready to embark on an academic journey that not only enriches your knowledge but also provides hands-on experience in the fields of interventional radiology and cardiac ultrasound? Look no further! Our exchange programme awaits, offering you the chance to delve into these cutting-edge medical disciplines while immersing yourself in the culture of Flanders. 

International Nursing Education Programme

Do you want to take care of people in different contexts from a theoretical background? The Nursing Education Programme trains you to become a professional who understands society, works efficiently, and who can organize and contribute to the quality of healthcare. You will accumulate and refine technical and social skills and be prepared for a job within the various fields of healthcare.


Biomedical Laboratory Technology

In the following courses, you choose laboratory work because you want to join the research of diseases in humans, plants, or animals. The meticulous execution of laboratory research is the focal point of the programme. Each affiliated laboratory offers a wide range of laboratory tests and uses up-to-date instrumentation.

Urban Dynamics: Exploring Migration, Human Rights and Inclusion in Education and Society

International Programme: Faculty of Education & Faculty of Applied Social Studies


The programme is open to all students, enrolled in a teacher education programme or applied social studies, who wish to broaden their knowledge and skills in an urban context. The programme offers a combination of theoretical modules (lectures/group work/workshops/self-study/field visits) with a practice-oriented approach. The field practice contains 2 weeks of practice, in line with students’ field of interest. Students develop a portfolio.

This international module aims to create a learning community with a focus on: 

  • Migration and transnational relationships (6 ECTS)
  • Human and children’s rights (6 ECTS)
  • Inclusion in education and society (6 ECTS)
  • Skills and networks in a metropolitan context (6 ECTS)
  • Field practice (6 ECTS)

Applied Computer Science

ICT is best learned in a context of applications, activities, projects and problems that replicate real-life situations. Students learn how to use and apply a wide variety of information and communication technologies in settings involving problem solving, decision making and investigating.