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Social Work

For Social Work students looking for an international experience, we offer the international learning and teaching module Crossing Borders: An International Module on Participation and Citizenship. It helps you to cross borders in more than one way. You'll work with peers from other countries, communicate in a transnational community, and compare the ways in which service users are included in different countries. 

Educational Social Care Work

We offer a traineeship possibility in Educational Social Care Work. Contact the International Relations Office for questions and more information.

Family Studies

Students are trained to offer adequate family support, both in a scientifically substantiated way and with a lot of empathy and presence. Students learn to understand human and social relations from a family sciences' perspective and to assist and support families in a professional way.

The Traineeship and Advanced Traineeship offer the knowledge and skills in order to understand and coach personal and family dynamics in the field of children, youngster, adult and/or senior care.

Real Estate

In this programme you are trained to become a multidisciplinary professional who can be mobilised immediately and have thorough scientific competences and communication skills. The programme aims to deliver polyvalent and extensively trained professionals who can work independently and as part of a team in an entrepreneurial and efficient way in four professional fields: real estate mediation, management, promotion and expertise.

A proper sense of responsibility, deontology and ethics is needed. The objectives are achieved within an empowering environment that encourages cooperation and interaction where students can reach their full potential. We are achieving these objectives within an empowering environment that encourages cooperation and interaction, where students can reach their full potential.

We focus on four professional fields as we believe that young bachelor students need to explore different professional angles during their studies. By the end of their studies, students can increase their understanding of the aspects of their choice so that they can choose their future career based on their own talents and intrinsic motivation.

Facility Management

The study programme of Facility Management is unique in Flanders. It offers very practical and broad insights in the following fields: communication, management and facility technology. As a facility manager you are responsible for proper management and maintenance of buildings. You will provide employees with a comfortable desk, safe work clothing and a decent meal, contributing to a motivating working environment! Finally, you will support all events planned and hosted by the organisation.

The exchange programme runs from October to January during which period students complete a work placement and write their bachelor's thesis. You can follow this programme in Dutch, English or French.

Energy Technology

Are you curious about how smart electrical installations work? Do you have an energy-saving mindset? Do home automation and Industrial systems appeal to you? Are you wondering how PLCs, wind turbines, solar cells, CHP, and Electromobility work? Do you like new projects? Then do not wait any longer and opt for an exchange semester in Energy Technology!

Electronics - ICT (with a major in ICT)

As a student in the Electronics-ICT bachelor’s programme, you will use your knowledge to devise and develop ground-breaking software or hardware solutions in a curriculum tailored for the next generation of computing professionals. Our bachelor programme has a duration of 3 years and consists of 5 specializations: Telecommunications engineer, Internet of Things developer, Network & Security engineer, Software & AI developer, and Web & Mobile developer.

By focusing our students on soft- and technical skills, we help them understand how people and technology connect. As an international exchange student, you will be able to follow courses (30 ECTS) in the second and third year of our bachelor programme. We encourage you to get the maximum out of your international experience by choosing courses based on your personal interest.


Are you intrigued by state-of-the-art machinery, electromechanical processes and HVAC? Do you want to design, maintain, and optimize these processes and installations, assuring a sustainable and rational use of energy and a high efficiency yield? Look no further: the bachelor in Electromechanics is for you!

Design and Production Technology

The Design and Production Technology programme emphasises practical skills and the use of new technologies. Creative students with a hands-on attitude learn through a combination of theoretical and technical lectures and get the opportunity to work out industrial-like applications in hi-tech labs. Design and mechanical tooling are central to the programme.