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Research Project

HECOS for ETHICS - Higher Education and Companies Fostering Ethical Skills

The objective of this project is to deepen and broaden ethical competencies among managers by developing an innovative and attractive training course. The training will identify learning objectives and provide targeted coaching, measured against the EQ framework.

In addition, the project aims to promote ethical competencies (skills, knowledge, attitudes) related to CSR in higher education and business. The basis for this is the United Nations Strategic Development Goals (SDGs).

The third goal of the project is to create a network of companies interested in innovative training methods (including non-formal and informal education) related to CSR and the SDGs.


Our partners

  • Aiccre Ve (It)
  • Oikos Onlus (It)
  • Voka (Be)
  • Uniflexis (Hu)
  • Tuk (Sk)
  • Prscci (Sk)
  • Stockholms Universitet (Se)
  • Rosto Solidário (Pt)
Erasmus+ enriching

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Research Project

Boundless entrepreneurship

'Grenzeloos ondernemen' examines the conditions and barriers to doing business across the border, specifically in the Flanders-Netherlands border region.

Despite the proximity of Flanders and the Netherlands, doing business across borders often remains quite a challenge, partly due to market, cultural and legal differences. Nevertheless, SMEs that manage to be internationally active fulfill an important role in constantly renewing and stimulating the economy. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the Scheldemond region experience doing business across borders as an opportunity but also as a challenge.

Grenzeloos ondernemen


In this study we examine the support needs of small and medium-sized companies regarding borderless entrepreneurship in the Euregio Scheldemond. Throughout the study, we identify the core activities of doing business across borders. We do this by means of a review of the international literature, supplemented by the results from 28 interviews with Zeeland and Flemish entrepreneurs and from a workshop with entrepreneurs and various representatives of policy bodies from both sides of the border.

Realized output

The survey shows that entrepreneurs primarily use their own existing employees, supplemented by an independent foreign agent or representative and, in specific cases, external legal or tax specialists. Initial foreign contacts are usually made by the entrepreneur himself and by his employees, based on his own experience and existing contacts.

The perception of our interviewed entrepreneurs regarding the existing support offer for cross-border entrepreneurship brings up some clear bottlenecks. First of all, we find that most entrepreneurs do not have a clear idea of where to go for specific information on the possibilities of cross-border entrepreneurship. Partly because of this, many Flemish entrepreneurs look over Zeeland when it comes to the Dutch market. Moreover, the information available is often fragmented and spread across different support agencies. All this means that entrepreneurs often have to invest a lot of time and effort to find suitable information.

Boundless entrepreneurship

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Research Project

GO & LearNET

The Go&LearNET for Educational Trainers (Go&LearNET) is a European Leonardo Da Vinci project, which aims to bring technical and vocational training in secondary schools and the labor market closer together in various ways.

The project has the following goals:

  1. to support, develop and improve networks between vocational and secondary schools with the labor market, so that teachers can improve their knowledge of the labor market and better respond to needs from the field;
  2. commit to informal learning in companies, through economic discovery visits and thematic seminars in companies;
  3. promote "in-company" seminars that pursue several goals: improving teachers' teaching skills, increasing their technical competencies, facilitating students' access to the labor market.


Man met helm werkt aan koelinstallatie
GO & LearNET

Our partners

  • Italy: Regione Friuli Venezia Giulia, ENAIP FVG, Ufficio Scolastico Regionale, Regione Marche, Regione Umbria, Consorzio Futuro Umbria, ECIPAR, ASABo
  • Belgium: HUBrussels
  • Slovenia: MCC
  • Hungary: Uniflexys
  • Turkey: HA.OG.AK. DERNEGI

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This project contained two spearheads: on the one hand, to examine whether employment in prisons can be shaped as logistical employment; and on the other hand, what the preconditions are for the implementation of logistical training (particularly through workplace learning) in prisons. In this way, it was examined how prison employment can be given a more labor market-oriented interpretation.


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From practice-oriented training to employable IT experts

Our partners

  • Partner: Syntra West.
  • This project is financed with ESF funds.
ESF investeert in jouw toekomst
Research Project

From practice-oriented training to employable IT experts

This project examines what digital competencies are required for the future workforce, for leading players in IT and for colleges.

In the preparatory research phase (January-May 2018) of this ESF project, we want to explore the possible solutions for the substantial lack of qualified IT profiles given that many IT jobs have become structural shortage occupations.

The project's objective is to increase the degree of innovation in ICT trainings and to enhance the employment rate in the ICT sector through innovative and applied (in the form of dual and digital) learning programs. These trainings will differ from the already existing offer due to their innovative factor and the flexibility to respond quickly to the needs and innovations of the IT market. The integration and full-fledged development of dual learning in these programs seems crucial. How this can be done exactly and with which relevant national and international stakeholders will be further explored during the preparatory phase of this project.

The exact needs and opportunities of the foreseen potential target groups will be identified in consultation with partners in Belgium and abroad.

Expected output

We want to combine the expertise and experiences of partners on a national and international level with the aim to:

  • Develop innovative ICT trainings with a substantial component of dual learning.
  • Increase the number of well-trained employable IT graduates who can get hired immediately for bottleneck jobs.
  • Establish new partnerships between ICT learning companies, training centers and schools.
IT experts

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Research Project

Family Business Barometer

The Family Business Barometer gauges the economic expectations of family businesses in Belgium.

In the project, researchers examined what the Belgian business landscape looks like and what opportunities and challenges Belgian entrepreneurs see for the near future. The Family Business Barometer shows in a scientifically based way the state of family businesses in Flanders. The barometer includes the responses of family businesses and non-family businesses. The following themes were included:

  • State of the company: regarding employment, investments, finances
  • Prospects and plans: regarding employment, investments, international activities, acquisitions
  • Challenges/difficulties: now and in the future
  • Evaluation of socio-economic environment
  • Evaluation of policy measures
familiebedrijven barometer

The Family Business Barometer is based on a questionnaire of a representative sample of hundreds of family and non-family businesses. Literature and interviews were used for the questions. This ensured quality over quantity.

The aim is to survey the same companies every year. That way, they can be followed individually over time and their evolution can be gauged.

Family Business Barometer

Our partners

Bank Degroof Petercam

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Research Project

ENTRnet - Develop National Networks of Adult Education Providers in the field of Entrepreneurship

The specific objective of ENTRnet is to promote European cooperation between different adult education providers and relevant stakeholders on specific adult education topics, such as entrepreneurship. The project aims to mainstream entrepreneurship across Europe by creating a platform attractive to a wide range of actors and stakeholders.


In this way, ENTRnet aims to develop a new pathway that will improve cooperation at the national and European level and support adult education providers in improving their capacity to offer high-quality adult education in entrepreneurship, and to teach entrepreneurial skills. The target group to be reached by these actions is all young adults, with emphasis on disadvantaged and hard-to-integrate groups, inactive and unemployed youth.

In addition, an activity plan will be implemented to contribute to the creation of a learning pathway based on the needs of individuals and organizations from different national contexts, with the aim of creating more learning or continuing education opportunities for the needs of the target group. There are 6 e-learning modules under construction that will come online in 2023: Intra-preneurship, Young Entrepreneurship, Green Entrepreneurship, Digital Entrepreneurship, Co-operative Entrepreneurship and Innovative Entrepreneurship.

Last but not least, ENTRnet aims to bring the area/level of adult education in entrepreneurship under the Entrepreneurship Competence Framework (EntreComp); the framework that, according to the EU Commission, provides a comprehensive description of entrepreneurial competencies, defined as: The ability to act on opportunities and ideas, and turn them into value for others. The value created can be financial, cultural or social.

More information can be found on the ENTRnet website: and on the e-learning platform:

Co-funded by the European Union

Our partners

  • Greece: Small Enterprises' Institute of Hellenic Confederation of Professionals Craftsmen & Merchants (IME GSEVEE), National Organization for the Certification of Qualifications and Vocational Guidance (EOPPEP), Public Employment Service Greece (D.YP.A.)
  • Italy: LEARNINGDIGITAL (LD), National Agency for Microcredit (ENM).
  • Belgium: Odisee vzw, European Vocational Training Association (EVTA)
  • Romania: Universitatea Dunarea de Jos din GALATI (UDJG)

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Development of practical and reflective learning materials that supports and promotes Mental Well-Being (MWB) amongst entrepreneurs of Europe: Entre-MWB

Too few entrepreneurs succeed in finding the right balance between their business, their personal life and their mental well-being. To provide a helping hand there, the Entre-MWB project was created. Entre-MWB is an international research project aimed at developing practical learning materials to support and improve the Mental Well-Being (MWB) of European entrepreneurs. Our international collaboration, with partners from Belgium, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Estonia and Lithuania consists of three colleges, two SMEs, two professional organizations and two social enterprises.



The final objective is to create an accessible web platform where entrepreneurs or budding entrepreneurs can find various types of information to improve their mental well-being. This includes information around networking, self-reflection, time management and building resilience. On the web platform, experts and entrepreneurs provide hints and tips and share their own challenges and experiences. Freely accessible video testimonials are thereby complemented by written resources for entrepreneurs as well as trainers and teachers.

team brainstorm samen groep collega's


Projects Beyond Borders Ltd. (United Kingdom), Mediasphere Group Ltd. (United Kingdom), STICHTING AVANS (Netherlands), UC LEUVEN (Belgium), Odisee vzw (Belgium), INSTITUTO DE EMPREENDEDORISMO SOCIAL (Portugal), Asociacija MINTIES BITES (Lithuania), Businet VZW (Belgium), NORDIC EDTECH FORUM N8 MTÜ (Estonia)

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Research Project

Sustainability competencies

This project examines what sustainability competencies are required to meet the challenges of the future.

The basis is Wiek's framework. Looking at how it can be made applicable to SMEs, family businesses, colleges and other relevant stakeholders.


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Research Project

Sustainable Human Resources Management

This project investigates what elements contribute to sustainable HRM in organizations, with cases from the field of business administration and cases from higher education. Furthermore, we look at what the outcomes of a sustainable HRM policy are for the organization.

The objective is threefold: to scientifically substantiate sustainable HRM, to objectify the effects of sustainable HRM policies, and third, to create a scientific methodology with tools tailored to the sectors involved that stimulate sustainable HRM thinking and action.

human resources

Outputs achieved

  • Expansion of research program sustainable HRM with clear vision and research strategy

Expected output

  • Research report with general recommendations per sector
  • Advice and recommendations tailored to the participating organizations
  • Academic progress through the development of a model sustainable HRM 2.0
  • Trade publications and scientific publication
  • Toolbox sustainable HRM tailored to the sectors involved

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