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Research Project

Datasmart e-commerce in SMEs

The starting point in this project is that datasmart entrepreneurship is the basis for personalized e-commerce. The central research question in this project is the following: how can we convince SMEs that datasmart entrepreneurship is also a viable option for them to optimize their online conversion?

datasmart e-commerce


Today, to make a difference as a company or organization, it is important to take an extremely personal approach to online consumers (Van Belleghem, 2016). The way to achieve this is through data science, i.e. the smart use of digital data (Osseyran, 2014). Through analysis of the digital traces a website visitor leaves behind, one can get to know the (potential) customer better and approach them personally. However, the small SME has not yet taken this step toward datasmart entrepreneurship (Bloovi&Teamleader, 2017). They often lack the time, budget, motivation or know-how.

This project is therefore fully committed to awareness and information of how data and data analysis can also become useful for small businesses. On the basis of worked out real practical cases, a datasmart pointer is being developed, which shows very concretely how you can deal with data and which marketing decisions you can link to it. For each practical case, a complete data mining cycle (Witten, 2011) is run through: i.e. finding out which data is relevant, capturing this data, processing it in a model, visualizing it and finally interpreting it.


It is certainly not intended to develop a new business intelligence or data tool. Rather, based on concrete examples, the guide is intended to reduce the threshold to data mart entrepreneurship. Consequently, the example cases must be sufficiently representative. We limit ourselves to examining visitor data from websites that sell a product or provide a service. The specific goal of the analysis is to increase the conversion rate of those sites.

The idea of this project arose on the one hand from the fact that the field is in need of new knowledge profiles such as data scientists and data-driven marketers. This project therefore creates new synergies within the ICT and marketing courses. On the other hand, this project is also a continuation of the PWO Social Success Meter (Verbeeck, 2015) in which data analysis is used to increase the conversion rate of social crowdfunding projects.

This project will work with different target groups. Initially, these are SMEs that are already active online themselves. Furthermore, there will also be cooperation with web and marketing companies and professional federations such as BDMA, feweb, VOKA, UNIZO and Safeshops. This both for mapping the current datasmart entrepreneurial landscape and disseminating the results and services afterwards. Appropriate awareness and information actions (lectures, workshops, etc.) will be developed for each target group.

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Research Project

Continuity of the family business in times of digitalization

The central research question of this project is: what are the consequences of exponential digitalization on actors in the family business?

Rapid evolutions in digitalization pose specific challenges for family businesses. For example, these evolutions have an impact on the family system, being the relationships between family members. Also the business system with the usual business models is not untouched. The developments in the business system in turn affect the family system, and the ownership system (the predominant control of family shareholders) which comes under pressure. However, the literature on digitalization and its impact on family businesses is very limited. This research aims to change that.

datasmart e-commerce
Continuity of the family business in times of digitalization

Our partners

CenSE (Centrer for Sustainable Entrepreneurship) in collaboration with research institutes in Australia, England, Italy and China.

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Research Project


The research, commissioned by the Brussels-Capital Region, studies a wide range of sharing initiatives in the Brussels region.

The sharing initiatives are mapped based on their business model. We study the influence of the sharing economy on the current economic structure, on legislation and on social inclusion. In addition, we consider the possible contribution of partial initiatives to a more sustainable city. Both ecological sustainability and social sustainability are central in this research.


  • Detailed advice and workshop for Brussels policy makers.
  • Workshops and training for the sub-initiatives
  • Academic papers and scientific publications
fiets City4coEN

Our partners

  • UCL
  • KU Leuven campus Brussels
  • Saint-Louis

This project is financed with funds from Innoviris.

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Combination strategies in the Sandwich Generation

Our partners

Funded by: the ESF (European Social Fund)

In cooperation with: career guidance center Kompass-Emino, Gezinsbond, Verso vzw, Samana vzw, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences- Small Business Center, Dobre Kadry, Fundacion Accion contre el hambre

Researcher: Miet Timmers

ESF investeert in jouw toekomst
Research Project

Combination strategies in the Sandwich Generation

Adults who are caring for an older and a younger generation at the same time in their lives, and also often combine that care with a job, are called the "Sandwich Generation.


The Sandwich Generation

  • Typically, they are between the ages of 45 and 65.
  • The "sandwich position" is not gender neutral: it is far more often women than men who take care of their aging relatives. Moreover, women still take more care of their own (grand)children.
  • Because of the increase in the retirement age, the tendency to let elderly people live at home for a long time and to rely on informal care, and the large proportion of young adults who continue to live at home in Hotel Mama, it is clear that this group will only increase in the coming years, in Flanders and in the rest of Europe.


  • We want to guide women and men between 45 and 65 years of age who combine a job with a double care task to find a good combination strategy.
  • We hope this will enable them to combine their job with care and a family for longer and with more motivation and commitment.

We have developed several tools for this, in collaboration with our Flemish and international partners:

  • A coaching and training program for the Sandwich Generation.
  • A training and awareness program for employers, managers and HR professionals.

We have compiled all the results and tools on one page.

Research Project

Broeikas Aalst

The project 'Entrepreneurial Aalst' concerns a bridge project education-business, financed by the Flemish Government within the Strategic Plan STEM 2012-2020. It wants to build a bridge between education and business by organizing an Entrepreneur Award, Ideacafé's and other activities.

The approved project 'Broeikas Aalst' has as its main objective to make the region of Aalst more entrepreneurial and consists of several sub-projects. A first initiative on which the project partners set their sights is to find the necessary structural funding to make the'Entrepreneur Award' a permanent event. With this they want to put regional entrepreneurs in the spotlight. Specifically in this bridge project, much attention is paid to the process of trial and error inherent in entrepreneurship.

The project partners also see opportunities in the organization of"Ideacafé's". Input for themes that will be discussed here will be provided by a think tank of regional actors. Some possible themes are: immigrant entrepreneurship, entrepreneurs who have followed technical or vocational education, organization of company visits where the entrepreneur talks to the students himself, etc. The project must also result in motivating and supporting students who want to start an entrepreneurial activity during or after their studies.

Broeikas Aalst

Our partners

  • Enterprise Agency
  • Flanders in Action Pact 2020
  • University College Ghent
  • City of Aalst
  • Innovation Center East Flanders
  • Regional consultation South-East Flanders (RESOC/SERR)
  • JCI (Junior Chamber International)

This project is financed with resources from the ERDF fund.

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Research Project

> 100-year-old family businesses

What are the levers and factors that ensure the long-term survival and success of a family business? This question was investigated in recent months at the request of the Institute for Family Business by Prof. Dr. Johan Lambrecht (KU Leuven). The research provides a new and unique model with 10 lessons for a long-term existence as a family business.

The determinants of long-lived family businesses were examined and presented at the annual Family Business Day.


Realized output
The determinants of long-lived family businesses were investigated and presented during the annual day of the family business.

expertise bedrijf
> 100-year-old family businesses

Our partner


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Sessions study skills

In the first year of college it is possible that studying doesn't go so smoothly from the start, that you don't know 'how to start' or that the upcoming exam period causes you stress.

The student psychologists can help you further with (online) sessions or customised counselling.


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