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Sports, culture and recreation

Every student needs a dose of relaxation now and then!

Sports and exercise, enjoying culture, concerts, recreational and student activities... Or why not organise something yourself?

The possibilities for an exciting student life are vast! The Student Services Department (STUVO) pools the offerings for you!


Education and Examination Regulations

The Education and Examination Regulations (EER) contain the arrangements for education and examinations. The regulations are approved annually by the Board of Governors and apply to all students enrolled at Odisee.

By applying for enrolment, or by enrolling, you declare that you agree to the Education and Examination Regulations.

Extra (financial) assistance

Studying involves costs. Sometimes a scholarship from the Flemish government can cover the costs but this is not always the case. Some students are not entitled to a scholarship. The student services department (STUVO) tries to help in different ways. Find out how! 

NOTE: Not all the services below apply to international students residing in Belgium with a student visa. For more information scroll all the way down, select a campus and contact a staff member!


The Education and Examination Ombuds Service is here to help you with any problems you have during class, on campus or with your exams. The Ombuds Service watches over your rights and obligations as described in the Education and Examination Regulations (OER), listens to your questions, gives you the necessary information and mediates if necessary.

ICTO student tips

On a regular basis, tips are sent to students by ICTO.

These student tips cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • e-pubs and e-books
  • IT and Education - ICTO
  • the learning centers
  • Microsoft 365
  • Service Desk
  • the learning platform Toledo

Registration after a break

Were you a student at Odisee before, but not during the last academic year? Or did you officially deregister during the previous academic year? Then you need to register online again. Find out more.