Odisee: the co-college

Are you at the beginning of the most exciting adventures of your life and are terms like bachelors, masters, credits, course units and learning credits flying around your ears? Or have you been in the business world for a few years now, but would you like to get a second degree or do some additional studying (part-time or in the evenings)? You're not alone in your search for the course that suits you best: surf and scroll through our website and you'll find a lot of information there. No idea what to choose? Our coaches and student advisors are eager to help you. And that is typical of Odisee. We proudly call ourselves the co-educational university of Flanders and Brussels - where the 'co' stands for together. Enjoy our site and see you soon at one of our campuses! Oh yes, do you have any pressing questions? Ask Lisa, at the bottom of your screen.

Check wanneer jouw opleiding begint

Mis de start van het academiejaar niet!

6 tips om deze zomer je studiekeuze te maken

Eindelijk zomer! Hopelijk heb jij leuke plannen in het verschiet. Misschien word je wel toerist aan zee? 🏖️Of ga je kamperen met de tent? 🏕️ 

Wat je plannen ook zijn, je studiekeuze maken kan altijd en overal. Daarom kun je ook tijdens de zomermaanden bij ons terecht voor studiekeuzeadvies en een antwoord op al je vragen.


Also tailored for adults

If you are an adult and you are considering studying (again), it is possible. Maybe you have never followed higher education and now you want to go for it. Or you don't have the right diploma for the job you do and would like to obtain it. This is possible thanks to our wide range of graduate, bachelor and advanced bachelor programmes. Or perhaps you are a professional and you feel the need to continue your education? Or do you want to specialise further in your field? At Odisee, you can brush up your knowledge, broaden it or deepen it with a banaba, postgraduate, refresher course or study day.

Marketing volwassenen

We are happy to help you

Need help with your study choice?

A study choice process takes time and energy. Maybe you haven't gotten around to focusing on that yet in the past few months. Through a variety of workshops, we want to dwell with you on the different factors that play a role in your choice of study - and thus also in your choice of study.

Convinced of your choice of study?

Studying determines the rest of your life - both professionally and personally. We are proud that we, as a university of applied sciences, can play a role in this. Welcome to our co-university of applied sciences, where we will make it a good time together with you!

  • 6
  • + 11.000
  • 27
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  • 1 op 4
    volgt een opleiding op maat van volwassenen
What do our students say?

Let our students convince you

Meer dan een opleiding

Co staat voor samen, we pakken je studie samen aan!

Naast opleidingen biedt Odisee een hele waaier aan extra voorzieningen. Zoek je een kot? Doe je aan topsport? Leef je met een functiebeperking? Heb je het financieel wat moeilijker? ... Ontdek waar wij je mee kunnen helpen!

Live op onze campussen

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Convinced? Or do you need some more info?


Are you ready for it and do you love to study?

Jongen - Gele muts