Gender diversity on corporate boards (Equbusiness)


Gender diversity in corporate decision-making would lead to a development of economic and social prosperity. Research shows that increasing the voice of women on boards increases the positive impact of gender diversity on values and sustainability.

Thus, increasing the representation of women on boards must go beyond mere numbers and quotas.

However, when gender diversity is promoted solely by external mechanisms, the benefits are limited. Internal corporate governance mechanisms that promote gender diversity on boards have not yet been adequately researched. This project will identify and promote these internal mechanisms, as well as best practices for promoting gender diversity from different European cultures. This will be done through educational modules for adults.

The project thereby aims to strengthen the voice of women on boards of directors. It seeks to do this among a diverse group of project partners, representing a range of diverse cultures. In this way, the project strives for new insights and applications that can be widely used worldwide.

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