UCE | User Centered Experiences

UCE | User Centered Experiences

UCE stands for the development of practical, sustainable applications with a strong focus on the end-user and their experience (user experience). UCE is affiliated with the Electronics-ICT program.

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Our focus

Within UCE, we combine our expertise with a view to an optimal user experience. With a strong focus on user experience on the one hand and data capture and analysis on the other, we develop smart applications that fulfil the needs of the users. Always with the necessary attention for security and privacy of data and systems.

The User Experience Lab

In the User Experience Lab, we put the user in the centre of attention according to the principles of User Centered Design. From the user's point of view, we investigate the need and usefulness of new solutions via user tests or we examine how and where existing solutions are experienced and can be optimised via usability tests.

In the spotlight

An overview of some of our projects.

Our story

The 21st century user has become more critical towards the technological solutions offered. We are therefore convinced that technological solutions will only be fully accepted and sustainable if they place user needs in the centre of their development.

Optimised user experience

We strive for an optimal user experience defined by 3 pillars:

  • Efficiency in use
  • Effectiveness of the solution
  • Satisfaction of end users

We put our expertise in User Centered Design, Data Science, IoT and Web & Mobile Development to work for this user experience. User Experience Design originated from the problem that users are often unable to describe their needs properly. Through the principle of UX design, these needs are determined via co-creation with the user.

Our research is...

Our research is sustainable

  • Both research approach and elaborated solutions are ethically sound. For example, in our projects we often work with data that we will ethically handle in full compliance with GDPR.
  • Research output is valorised in the field and society wherever possible. We are convinced that if the needs of the user are properly translated into the application, it will automatically have a longer lifespan.
  • We take ecological, economic and social aspects into account. This includes, for example, the energy-efficient operation of soft- and hardware systems.

Our research is rooted in professional practice but does not distort the market

We want to bring improvement and innovation to the field by generating knowledge and insights and by researching concrete solutions for practical problems. As a research partner, we are always open to multidisciplinary cooperation.

We make sure that our research is not perceived as distorting the market. In research projects, we are often addressed as pure developers. However, we cannot simply develop what could also be asked of the labour market. We are therefore building up cooperation with students; via internships, bachelor's theses, student jobs and student projects in all phases of the programme. Furthermore, we want to ensure that our applications are prototypical or proof-of-concepts that demonstrate their usefulness but are therefore not ready for the market.

The knowledge gained from applied research is also integrated into education.

Afterwards, we inform companies about our research results by means of workshops.

Our research is interdisciplinary

Technological solutions must be accessible to all. On the basis of interdisciplinary cooperation, we want to transfer our technological knowledge into the field through innovation projects in various application areas

In these projects, we always keep the end user and his needs in mind. Through co-creation with experts from other fields (marketers, educational experts, healthcare experts, etc.) our projects are by definition interdisciplinary

Our research is socially relevant

We want to conduct socially relevant research in the context of business, care and education, among other things.

In summary, our current projects and projects in preparation can be categorised into the following themes:

  • Technological innovation in care
  • Technological innovation in business and industry
  • Technological innovation in education

In order to realise all this, we take an integrated approach to hardware, software and user-centred design where this is required.

Our team